Chapter 12: Overprotective Brother + Overprotective Boyfriend=Disaster

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The next day, Lexie walked down the hall towards the cortex arguing with her brother early that morning. Nathan had been very protective of Lexie ever since he had arrived which was a couple days ago and it was really starting to annoy Lexie. Barry was leaning against the computer desk talking to Iris. Iris stopped talking to Barry when she saw Lexie walk in with another man by her side who looked almost exactly like her. Lexie said to her best friend "Hey, Iris." Iris crossed her arms and said "Barry tells me that you two are the Flash and the Dash and all I get is a 'Hey, Iris'? Why didn't you tell me?" Lexie replied "I tried to tell you but Barry won't let me. Besides, it was dangerous and difficult." Iris sighed and whispered to Lexie, as she led her away from the two men, "So, who's the cute guy?" Lexie groaned and whispered "Oh, god. Not you too. He's my twin brother. And his name is Nathaniel but he goes by Nathan or Nate." Iris whispered "He's cute." Barry watched his girlfriend with love in his eyes but his focus on her was broken when Logan and Danielle came running into the cortex saying that Dr. Wells was attacked in his home. Barry and Lexie sped off leaving Iris, Danielle, Nathan, Cisco, Caitlin, and Logan to catch up with them.

Dr. Wells sat in his chair, like always, as the CCPD police officers looked around for evidence. Most of his glass roof was gone, shattered on the floor. His thoughts were interrupted when Barry and Lexie ran into his living room but stopped when they saw glass all on the floor. Lexie said, aloud, "Wow, looks like someone did the number on this place. It's a total mess. No offense, Dr. Wells." He said to the young speedster, as her boyfriend helped her step over the glass, "None taken, Ms. Tyler." Logan and the others arrived at Dr. Wells' house shortly after. Nathan looked around his guardian's house and said, "Wow. What a mess." Barry turned to his girlfriend's brother with amusement on his face while Lexie looked around. She said to Dr. Wells, "Well, there's no sign of a break in." Dr. Wells said to her, rolling his eyes, "Of course, there wouldn't be any signs of a break in. I was here when this happened." Barry interrupted, protectively standing by Lexie along with Nathan, "Hey, watch it, Dr. Wells. She was only stating the facts." Lexie scolded Barry, "Barry! It's fine." Danielle watched from her spot by Logan and watched her children react, she also watched Barry's reaction. He may not be her son by blood but she treats him like her own son. Even when Lexie introduced Barry to her and Logan (when Lexie was only five), she had noticed that they became best friends at first sight. When they got a little older (Barry and Lexie), they had met Iris in elementary and soon became best friends with her as well. Nathan crossed, his arms at Dr. Wells, a little ticked off that Dr. Wells got snappy at his sister. Barry also crossed his arms but calmed down when Lexie intertwined her fingers with his.

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