Chapter 3: First Mission=Disaster

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Lexie sat by Barry while her parents sat in front of them in the restaurant that her parents had suggested to have dinner and just talked about their relationship. She smiled as she watched Barry interact with her father and thought before there was a blast through the door 'Maybe this could work out.' Barry grabbed Lexie's hand and pulled her under the table along with Lexie's parents. She whispered to him, "Who is it?" Barry looked up only to see Leonard Snart with a gun that was unfamiliar to him then whispered "It's Leonard Snart with a gun." Lexie whispered, "What are we going to do? There's too many people around and they might know it's us." Leonard said to the crowd, "If you are the Red Streaks, come on out. There's no place to run, no place to hide." Lexie and Barry shared a look and they nodded at each other, knowing what to do. The couple army crawled underneath the tables and made their way towards the back door of the restaurant. They sped off to S.T.A.R Labs and put on their suits. Then, the two superheroes sped back to the restaurant only to find Leonard holding Lexie's mother captive. Lexie said to Leonard; seriously then sarcastic, her voice deep and disoriented so that no one could recognize her,"Let... the.... lady go, Snart. I don't want to hurt a good looking guy like you." Barry; underneath his mask, said to Leonard, "I'd listen to her if  I were you, Snart, it's not pretty when she gets angry."  Leonard just smirked and said, letting Danielle go, "Of course but I'd warn you, I don't back down from a fight." Danielle, already knowing that her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend were the Flash and the Dash, watched in fear. The next thing scared Barry and Danielle. Just as Leonard pointed his cold gun at Barry, Lexie jumped in front of Barry and took the hit for herself. She yelled out in pain as the ice grew around her waist and fell to the ground, breathing heavily. Leonard said to the Flash smirking, "Looks like I win this round. See you around." Barry picked up Lexie, bridal style with Lexie's arms around his neck, and took them to S.T.A.R Labs. Danielle army crawled underneath the tables so that she could help her daughter.

At S.T.A.R Labs, Barry sat Lexie on the infirmary bed and begged Caitlin and Cisco to help his girlfriend. He turned to look at Lexie who yelled out in pain due to the ice on her waist. Caitlin grabbed a few things to get rid of the ice and said, "You're gonna feel this, Lex. Just hold on." Lexie said out loud, before she screamed when Caitlin did something to the ice, "I don't care what you do, just get this ice off of me! Ahhhah!" A couple hours later after Lexie was unconscious so that Caitlin could get the ice off of her, Danielle finally arrived to find Barry at her unconscious daughter's side. She whispered to Barry, "Barry? Are you okay?" Barry replied, "I don't know anymore. I'm more about Lexie. We're both speedsters and I'm scared that I'm gonna lose her on the field." Danielle whispered to Barry, as she watched her daughter stir in her sleep, "I'm worried about that too. I'm going to be completely honest with you, Barry. Logan and I thought that you were an obstacle to take our daughter away from us when you went to high school with her. We never really did think about it when you two were kids because we thought that you weren't going to get together when you got older. But now, knowing your true feelings for Lexie, I now know that you are good for her." Lexie stirred again and woke up to see her mother and boyfriend at her side. She whispered to Barry, as he rubbed her forehead gently, "What happened?" Barry said to Lexie, before kissing her, "You're ok. Snart shot you with a gun of some sort but it was filled with ice. But, you're okay, now." Cisco overheard Barry and said to him, guilty, "Did you say that Snart had a gun with ice?" Barry nodded and said, standing up with his arms crossed, "Yes. Why?" Cisco said, guilty, "Because I made that gun. I guess that he broke in to take the cold gun." Danielle said to Cisco, ticked off, "Cisco, I do hope that you realize that the gun he had almost killed Lexie." Caitlin replied to Danielle, "But, Mrs. Tyler, he was being prepared for the worst. If Lexie and Barry were to turn against us, per se, what would we do then?" Barry snapped, before helping Lexie stand when she sat up, "I'd like to know beforehand. You, out of anyone, should know that I would never turn against my friends. I'd rather be dead than turning against my friends."

Barry had taken Lexie to his apartment after grabbing her duffle bag for her clothes and other stuff. He heard Lexie singing to 'You Can't Stop the Beat' and began to sing with her as he put on his pajama shorts. Lexie said, as she walked out wearing a T-shirt and pajama shorts, "Barry, was that you singing?" Barry said, with a smile as he and his girlfriend got into his bed, "I am the only one here with you, am I not?" His girlfriend rolled her eyes at him. She snuggled into the comforter and said, as Barry rubbed her shoulder, "You know, Barry, as much as I hate to say this, Cisco has every right to be worried. I mean, what if we do turn evil and insane?" Barry replied to her, "I will not let that happen." Lexie said, before turning off her lamp on the right nightstand, "Don't get smart with me, Bartholomew Henry Allen." Barry said, as he turned off his lamp on the left nightstand, "Bartholomew? Am I in trouble?" Lexie replied, "You will be if you don't go to bed." Barry smiled to himself as he snuggled with his girlfriend and drifted off to sleep. He loved it when Lexie was like this, no matter what the situation was.

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