Chapter 22: The Birth of Grace Allen/Barry goes to save Kara

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Previously on In the Speed of Light: Barry sped over to Lexie who was struggling to stand up and gently helped her. He said with concern in his voice "Lexie? Are you okay?" She replied as she looked up at him with fear in her green eyes "The baby......... she's coming.........."

Caitlin rushed over to her two best friends and watched as Barry gently sat Lexie down on another infirmary bed. She said to Barry, "Barry, what's going on?" Barry replied, as Lexie breathed heavily, "It's the baby, she's coming. Cait, please tell me that you know how to deliver a baby." Caitlin nodded but then turn to Mon El and said to him, "I'm sorry but we have to deliver this baby. I hope you understand." Mon El and J'onn Jonz both nodded at her, understanding that childbirth was going to last a little while longer and that it couldn't be stopped. Iris, Cisco, Hannah, Harrison (the nice one not Ebord Thawne), Wally, Jesse, Mon El, and J'onn Jonz walked out of the infirmary room to let Barry, Nathan, and Caitlin to help Lexie give birth. The small group waited in complete silence for the news. Harrison could hear faint encouraging words from both Barry and Caitlin as Lexie was about ready. He began to pace causing Jesse to roll her eyes at her father. Suddenly; they all stood when they heard a faint cry, a baby's cry to be exact, coming from the infirmary room. Nathan walked out with a proud smile and with a bandage wrapped around his hand. Iris said to her fiancé, "Well? Are Lexie and the baby okay?" Nathan replied, as Barry walked out with a pink bundle of blankets in his arms, "They're fine, they both made through. Lexie just passed out as soon as she saw the baby." Iris saw Barry with a bundle of blankets in his arms and immediately rushed to his side. He looked up from his baby girl and towards his best friend. Iris whispered to Barry, hoping not to wanting to wake up the sleeping baby in her friend's arms, "Can I hold her, Bare?" Just as she said that; Danielle, Logan, and Joe ran into the cortex to see Barry holding a bundle of blankets and immediately rushed to his side just like Iris did before. Danielle said to Barry, "Is Lexie ok? I receive a call from Cisco saying that my daughter had gone into labor." Barry replied, with a soft voice, "She's fine; she just passed out from exhaustion of delivering our daughter." Danielle, Logan, and Joe sighed in relief. Danielle said to her son-in-law, "Is that......." Barry nodded with a proud smile and replied, "Yes. Team of Flash and Dash, I am proud to announce that we have a new team member......... meet Grace Nora Allen."

As soon as Barry announced his daughter's name, the once sleeping baby had opened her green eyes in which she earned from both of her parents. Barry looked down at his daughter after hearing her yawn and smiled down at her. Caitlin soon walked out of the infirmary room and told him that Lexie had woken up and was asking for him and for the baby. Barry found his wife awake and looking around frantically, probably for their newborn baby. Lexie looked up to see her husband holding their precious bundle of joy and cuteness. She said to Barry, "Barry? Where's my baby?" Barry whispered to her, "Shh. Don't worry. The baby's fine, she is asleep right here." Lexie sighed in relief, she gratefully took her newborn daughter from her husband and gave the sleeping baby her finger. Barry sat down by his wife's side and watched his small family interact. He whispered to Lexie, "I'm going to help get Kara back." Before Lexie could reply, she looked down at her baby when Grace began to fuss and stir. She tried to rock Grace back to sleep but the baby wouldn't budge. Then, Barry had an idea. He whispered, "Maybe we can try singing to Grace, maybe she'll go to sleep faster." Lexie nodded and began to sing.

Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand, hold it tight

I will protect you from all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

For one so small,
You seem to strong
My arms will keep you safe and warm
This bond between us can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

'Cause you will be in my heart
Yes, you'll be here in my heart
From this day on now and forever more

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be in my heart, always (1x)

Why can't they understand
The way we feel
They don't trust what they can't explain
I know we're different but deep inside us
We're not that different at all

And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on now and forever more
Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know
We need each other to have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know

When destiny calls you
You must be strong
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together

(Barry and Lexie):
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on now and forever more
Oh, you'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be in my heart, always

As soon as they finished the song, little Grace fell asleep in her father's arms while her mother watched her with calm and content eyes. Barry gently placed the now sleeping baby into the crib that was next to Lexie's infirmary bed; even though Lexie had super healing, she was still a little weak from delivering their newborn daughter into the world. It worn her out. Barry whispered to his wife, "As I was saying before, I'm going to help get Kara back." Lexie whispered, her voice full of worry and concern,"But, Barry....... we don't what we're up against." Barry sighed, he knew that she was right about that. He replied, "I know but Kara's earth needs her, they need Supergirl. I just got to help her." Lexie was about to reply but Barry said, "I know that you want to help me but Gracie needs her momma. I don't want her to lose you like I lost my mom. Lexie, please. Just do it for Gracie." Lexie glanced down at her sleeping baby girl, her husband was right. Their daughter needed her. She reluctantly nodded at her husband then gasped in surprise when Barry brought her into a kiss. Nathan knocked on the door and said to the new parents, clearing his throat, "Um, Barry? Sorry for intruding but we're ready for you when you're ready." Barry nodded at his brother-in-law who smiled at him sadly and walked out. He then turned towards his wife who looked at him with worried green eyes but he noticed that she was getting tired. He brought her into another kiss and whispered, "I'll be back, I promise." Lexie watched as her husband walked out of the infirmary room and towards the other room that contained a comatose Kara. She could only hope and pray for her husband's safety.

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