About Lexie

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Full Name: Alexandria Isabelle Tyler
Nicknames: Lexie (her main nickname), Lex, Little sis (Nathan's nickname for her), The Dash (her superhero name), Speedster (Danielle's nickname for her), or Tyler (her last name).
Age: 25 (same as Barry, younger twin by thirty minutes)
Family: Logan Tyler (father), Danielle Tyler (mother), and Nathan Tyler (twin brother, older by thirty minutes).
Appearance: Brown hair and green eyes (plus a British accent)
Personality: Sweet, kind, funny, considerate, lovable, loving, mischievous, courageous, loyal, caring, charming, beautiful, talented, intelligent, resourceful, reliable, responsible, positive, thoughtful, helpful, adventurous, curious, and respectful.
Likes: Her new super speed, singing, dancing, sketching, reading, hanging out with her friends, spending time with her family, swimming, food (obviously), being with Barry, and kicking bad guys' butt.
Dislikes: Heights, snakes, frogs, spiders, rodents (of any kind), being tickled, being sneaked up on, getting dirty, spicy food, and thunder.
Friends: Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Eddie, Barry, Dr. Wells (more of an ally than a friend), and Nathan.
Enemies: The Man in Yellow aka the Yellow Speedster and all meta-humans.
Crush/Boyfriend: Barry Allen aka the Flash
Portrayed by: Emma Watson

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