Chapter 4: The Man that can turn into Gas

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It has been a few days since Barry hasn't talked to Cisco due to the situation where his girlfriend almost died because of Cisco's cold gun. Lexie still had a big bruise from the ice but other than that, she was okay. Her relationship with Barry was still going strong but she had doubts that he had liked Iris when she wasn't around. At S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry watched as Cisco chased Lexie around in his lab trying to tickle her only for her to speed away from him making it difficult for Cisco to catch her. He snickered when Cisco looked around only for Lexie to stand in front of him and said, with a smirk on her face, "Looking for someone, Cisco?" Cisco yelled out in surprise and said, "Don't ever do that, Lex. You know that I get scared easily." Lexie said, sticking her tongue out at him, "And you that I am ticklish." Barry walked in and wrapped his arms around her waist, making her smile. She said to him, "Barry, I think it's about time that you apologize to Cisco for being a jerk." Barry complained to his girlfriend but she said as she walked out, "Continue the complaining and you'll end up sleeping on the couch, Barry Allen!"

Barry watched as his girlfriend left the room and walked towards Caitlin. Cisco looked at Barry and said to him, "You know, if you don't want to apologize to me, I understand." Barry said, as Lexie gave him a look, "As much as I don't want to, but, Lexie's right. I'm sorry for acting like an idiot and a jerk towards you, Cisco. I understand that you were just prepared for the worst in anything bad happened. Can you forgive me?" Cisco replied, "Sure thing, dude." The two friends turned around to see Lexie staring at the computer, her face turned pale. Barry sped over to her and said, trying to calm her down, "Lexie? Are you okay?" She said to him, "It's my dad. He was attacked by a man who turned into gas." He brought Lexie into a hug then whispered to her, "I'm sure that he's going to be okay. We can go see if he's okay if you want." Lexie nodded and whispered, "Thank you, Bar." Barry grabbed their jackets and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they departed from the cortex. Caitlin walked over to Cisco and said, "Where are they going?" Cisco said to her, "Lexie's father was attacked by a man who turned into gas. I think that we need to talk to Dr. Wells about letting Lexie off the hook on this one." At the Central City hospital, Lexie stood at her father's side with Barry by her side. She said to her mother, "Mom, what happened?" Danielle said to Lexie, as she looked at her husband who was unconscious, "We were eating lunch then a man walked by and he just turned into a big cloud of green gas. Your father just collapsed when it turned cloudy." Barry said to Danielle, "He'll be okay, though, right?" Danielle replied, "The doctors said that he had difficulty with breathing because the gas was in his lungs. He's lucky to be alive." Lexie sighed in relief and looked at Barry with a smile which he returned. She heard Barry's phone ringing and she watched as he walked out to answer it.

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