Chapter 8: Nightmares=Fear

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Lexie walked down the street with one of her earphones in one of her ears as she did her morning run with Barry, carefully to make sure that they didn't use their super speed. She had been thinking about  telling her father about her and her boyfriend's newfound super power but never had the chance to. They had been to busy with taking down bad guys and their relationship. Barry noticed that Lexie had stopped running and said, "Hey. Are you okay?" Lexie looked at Barry and said, "I've been thinking. Why haven't we told Joe, Iris, or my dad about our super speed?" Barry took a deep breath and replied, as they walked towards their house, "Lexie, all superheroes have to keep their secret from the people they are close to for their safety and protection. It's for the best." Lexie said, stopping in the middle of their living room, "I know but I feel guilty not telling my dad. He's going to start getting suspicious about our whereabouts including my mother's whereabouts even though he knows that she works at S.T.A.R Labs." Barry put his hands on her shoulders and said to his girlfriend, as he rubbed her shoulders gently, soothing her as possible as he could, "I know and I feel guilty too but we have a job to do. As much as I hate saying this, we can't let our inner feelings get in the way of saving and protecting the city." Lexie sighed in exasperation and whispered to Barry, "I know. I just feel guilty about this." Barry embraced Lexie and whispered, "We're going to tell them one day but not now. We're going to be okay and so will they." Lexie smiled at Barry before stalking up the stairs, with a little sway in her hips, making Barry stare at her. She said to him, going back to her own self, "I have a surprise for you upstairs, Bare." Barry shaked out of his daze and whispered, before growling like a cat, "Wowza. You're in trouble, Barry." He heard Lexie shout from upstairs, "Barry Allen, I'm waiting!" Barry ran upstairs with a smirk. This day couldn't get any better.

After their 'fun' afternoon, Barry and Lexie returned to CCPD and started to work on the latest case. Lexie stood in front of the blood samples that her mother had given her before she and Barry arrived at the CCPD at 12:25 that afternoon. Barry was downstairs explaining to her father and Joe about their newfound superpower. She had told her boyfriend that they had to tell her father and his foster father about it because she was feeling uneasy about it and was beginning to have nightmares about not telling her father sooner.  He agreed the night before when Lexie had woke up screaming, sweaty, and scared. She had told him that her father was in her dream, telling her that he would disown her for not telling about her superspeed. Barry knew that Logan would never disown Lexie. He would probably shoot himself if he ever did consider disowning Lexie since he and Lexie's mom had both lost their infant twin son (Lexie's 'deceased' twin brother) during child birth. Lexie's thoughts were interrupted by footsteps entering their lab. She immediately knew it was Barry, Logan, and Joe coming back from their discussion. Barry walked over to his girlfriend who had looked over to him from the blood samples with a scared look. Logan stood by watching Barry kiss Lexie and cleared his throat. Lexie looked over to her father and he said, "Lexie, Barry told us about your concerns and your nightmares. Honey, you should know that I would think twice before disowning you. I'd rather be dead than disown you, so would your mother." Lexie nodded and Barry said, "We were just worried about your safety that's why we didn't tell you sooner." Joe replied, "That's understandable, Barry. But, you could have told us sooner about Lexie's nightmares. Those don't go away in a second."

Meanwhile at S.T.A.R Labs, Dr. Wells wheeled his way into a unknown room, thankful that he was alone. A young man, around Lexie's age, who look almost exactly like Lexie looked up from the ground and towards Dr.Wells with a glare, similar to Lexie's glare. He snapped, "What do you want?!" Dr. Wells just smirked and said, "You know, you look so much like that speedster brat, Lexie. Too bad you two haven't seen each other in like twenty-six years." The young man still glared at the doctor, not buying his taunt, and said, "For the last time, Thawn, what do you want?" Dr. Wells replied, "You are lucky that I'm going to set you free tonight, Mr. Tyler." The young man looked at him suspicious and said, "What's the catch?" Dr. Wells just smirked.

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