As for Selena and I she gives me the silent treatment and doesn't even wait for me to go inside the apartment building together. She puts the key of out flat into the keyhole and walks in angrily. "Baby, I know you're angry..." I trail off.

"I thought I knew you but I don't know you." She says pushing her hair with her fingertips. "I don't know anything about you! Seems to me like everyone else on this goddamn campus knows everything about you, but me." She says sitting on the sofa as I follow and sit beside her.
"Selena, I'm sorry." I try to caress her thigh but she nudges me off.
"We're together but you're like a stranger to me because I don't know you." She turns to look at me. "And then the thing that happened between you and Lucy?" She pinches the bridge of her nose. "You both ignored my presence like I wasn't even there!" She explains growing angry. "Maybe I was wrong about you, maybe this between you and I" She motions her finger between the distance in which we sit apart from each other.
"Hey, hey." I say taking her hand in mine. "Please don't say that." I say kissing her fingertips.
"I can be good. Please believe in me." Selena nodded her head with a smile but said nothing else that night.

While it was rather late, and Selena was asleep in out bed, the thought of what Lucy said about Jackie still lingered in my mind. It just didn't make sense to me, Jackie out of all people would betray me like that? Jackie and I lived though all the ups and downs in our lives from her being orphaned at eighteen when they died, literally right after she graduated from high school. Her parents never really paid much attention to her, you would always find her hanging out at my house with my mum, sisters and I. My mum was more of a mother than to her than her own mother was. While she didn't have sisters, my sisters were like sisters to her. Jackie and I have never kept anything from each other ever, but if what Lucy said was true and she had kept this from me, I don't know it I could get over that.
The next morning, while I didn't have class and Selena was still sleeping. I got up and showered, and put some clothes on and Lucy's words from last night were still in graved in my head. I walked out of the flat, as I sent Selena a text in which she would read when she got up and I was on my way to find Jackie at her economics class. I hurried my way to my car, and I drove off to the campus.
Once I arrived, I entered into the building and stood against the wall as I looked down at my watch and waited only a few more minutes until her class was over. I waited impatiently for a few minutes in which it felt like hours. Once it hit the time, the hallways started pouring of college students trying to get where they needed to be. I spotted Jackie whole was looking down at her bag she carried for something, I  got off the wall and approached her as I pushed through the student body who walked in the opposite direction of me.
"Jackie." I called for her, and she noticed and looked up at me with a smile.
"Uh oh." She said. "What trouble did you get into now?" She jokes holding onto the strap of her bag filled with books.
"You think that low of me?" I joked.
She rolls her eyes and crosses her hands over her chest. "Depends." She teases. "I'm always saving your ass, lately." She admits. "Or when you need something from me." She says. "A favor." She looks down at my crotch then back up at my face. I laugh. "But you got a girl friend now, so I guess that's out the picture." She sighs playfully.
I looked around the hallways before I got down to what I really wanted to talk to her about and noticed that the student traffic began to die down, with only a few walking bodies here and here. "I just need to ask you something, and I need you to answer with the truth." I told her and her face grew concerned as her eyebrows closed in on each other.
"You're scaring me." She said honestly. "What is this about?" She questioned.
"Well there is no reason for you to be scared if you didn't do anything." I admit to her.
"Zayn come on." She punches my stomach lightly. "What is this about?"
I take a deep breath, and let it out. "It's Lucy." I begin.
She rolls her eyes. "Not that bitch again." She says. "What did she do to you now? Want me to beat her ass up? Cause I will." She confesses. "I always wanted to and you know that." Jackie admits. "Its been a year and six months and she still can't get over the fact that you and I fucked." She rolls her eyes. "Then she goes off and tells the whole school I'm a whore." She adds.
I laugh. "Jackie calm down." I tell her. "There's just some things she told me and it' been weighing on my head all last night."  I admit to her.
"Well?" She raises a brow. "What is it?"
"She told me that you and my father have contact with each other." I say straight forward, not really knowing how else to say it. Jackie eyes widen and she grows silent. She sighs and brings her hands and covers her face. "So it is fucking true?" My voice grows loud and I begin to take steps away from her.


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"Zayn-..." She calls for my name but by the time she tries I am on my way out the double doors of this building. "Zayn, please." She says as I can hear her trailing behind me out the double doors. "Listen to me!" She exclaims. "I can explain!" She adds.
I walk up dangerously close to her. "Explain what? That you're just as lying and backstabbing as everyone else?" I exclaim in her face nearly. "Fuck you Jacqueline!" I add. "You know what he put me through my whole fucking childhood and you wanna go ahead and talk to that son of a bitch? He was a shit of a parent as yours were, so what is the difference here?" I say, and bold green eyes, grow watery here.
"He's changed." She said in a serious tone. "That doesn't justify anything he did to you, your mom, your sisters. But when he contacted me, and we met up he was and still is a changed man." She explain.
"For what? What could he possibly be talking to you for?" I press for answers.
"You." She cries. "He knew that you wouldn't let him into your life even if he tried but he knew that the only way of trying to get close to you was through me." She admits.
"And what the fuck were you going to do? Sugar coat shit about him until something clicked and I just magically accepted him into my life?" I argue. "How fucking low of you Jaqueline."
"You're the fucking reason he shows up at this college every fucking month begging me to let his ass in, because he pays for your tuition shit isn't it?" I exclaims. "He pays your college tuition, where you sleep and everything doesn't he? As long as you keep giving information about me, isn't it?" I press.
"I didn't ask him to." She lifts her shoulders. "He offered." She admits.
"And you just couldn't say no, could you?" I add.
"Zayn, what was I suppose to do with my life after high school?" She begins, wiping her eyes from the tears. "My parents were dead, I was alone-...."
"You had me!" I exclaim pointing at my chest. "Jackie I would have moved the whole goddamn world for you!" I added. "Anything to avoid that man!" I point behind her. "Anything but him!" I add. "You're both the reason why I have to live with a lingering Lucy behind my back every day. She put me through hell and but you didn't care, as long as he kept paying for your education, you didn't care what happened to me!" I exclaimed.
"That's not true, he put you in this school because when I left for college both you and Lucy were still on good terms together." She explains. "How was I suppose to know that both of you had broken up then?" She defends herself. "So when I saw how miserable she had made you and told me what happened between the both of you, I told your father not to go through with it, but it was to late and you were already here." She admits. "Please you have to believe me." She pleads trying to reach for my arm but I pull away before she could reach me.
"The one person who I thought could never lied to me did." I tell her. "And Lucy told me, she said go ahead and ask her if you don't believe me, see if she lies to you." I quote her words along the lines of. "You and Levi were all I had." I admit. "Guess it's only him now."  I say to her last as I begin to walk away, while she follows behind me for a few steps before she completely stops but continues calling for my name.
"Zayn!" Jacqueline exclaims. "I'm sorry."


 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦  «Zaylena»Where stories live. Discover now