Chapter 10 Fun and Games

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I slept so soundly that night. When I woke up there were cries coming from down the hall.

'Maybe if I ignore it it'll turn out to all be a dream' I thought, trying to go back to sleep. The crying got louder.

I groaned, resigned myself to the fact that this was my life and headed for the nursery.

When I got there I found Zane already there trying to quiet the five crying babies. "I thought you didn't like taking care of babies." I said as I picked up a wailing Jay.

"While it may not be my favorite task I didn't find it fair to make you and Misako do all the work. Besides they are my family too." He explained as he bounced Kai and Nya up and down.

Soon the little ones stop crying. "What are we going to do with them all day?" I asked as we got them dressed. "We could take them to the park. The snow has started to melt." Zane said as Nya tried to squirm away.

"I don't know. It's still kinda cold out. The last thing we need is five sick babies." I pointed out.

"How about we take them to New Ninjago City. There should be several indoor playgrounds that would keep them busy for quite some time." Zane said as we finished.

As we had breakfast Zane did a search for indoor play houses. By the time he found one we were ready to go.

Once again we had to get creative and find a way to push the three strollers and carry two more kids. We ended up duck tapping the strollers together.

When we got to the play house we let the little ninja run around in the ball pit. They all seemed to be having a great time. But as usual we couldn't have one day of peace.

Nya was about to go down the kiddy slide when the kid behind her decided not to wait his turn. He shoved her down the slide head first and nearly landed on top of her!

Although she was ok Kai and Jay weren't about to let this guy off the hook. Before the kid could escape they were on top him.

Jay was shaking him wildly while Kai dunked his head under the balls every few seconds. Before long Cole and Lloyd were beside them.

Thinking it was a game the two boys and Nya started pelting the poor boy with the plastic balls!

By this time the boy's mother realized it was her child that was being traumatized! She jumped into the ball pit, shoes and all, snatched her son and stormed into the managers office.

While Zane and I tried to get our laughter under control the manager came out and told us to, "Remove our juvenile assailants from the premises post haste and never to return as long as time shall endure."

We rounded up the little ninja and headed home for dinner. Apparently torturing other children works up quite an appetite.

Cole was almost done eating and kept trying to reach over and grab Kai's food from his bowl. Luckily for Kai I was there to make sure Cole kept his hands in his own bowl. That is until a spoon hit me in the back of my head.

"Really Zane." I said giving him a pointed look. "It wasn't me." he said turning back to Jay and Lloyd. Jay pointed a finger at Lloyd, who was beaming.

"Well you were quite pleased with yourself aren't you?" I asked him. He nodded his little head. "Very cute." I told him as I went to go wash the mashed potatoes out of my hair.

Narrators P.O.V.
Cole looked at his nearly empty bowl and frowned. He was still very hungry. He looked over at Kai's bowl. It was still half full.

He made sure no one was looking before dumping what was left in his bowl over Kai's head. Nieala rushed back in just as Kai started screaming.

Cole took this opportunity to take Kai's bowl off his tray and eat what was left.

Food started dripping out of Kai's hair and down his face. He wiped the food off his face with his hands then started licking his chubby little fingers.

Needless to say they were both going to need a bath.

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