Chapter 3: Deception

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"The Teapot of Tyrahn is an ancient relic which holds the djinn Nadakhan, captain of the Misfortune's Keep." Zane stated. "How do you know about it, Jay?"

"Uh, details are not important." Jay said, avoiding the question. "Where is it?" Kai asked. "Nobody know-" Zane started "Its somewhere in the City of Stiix." Jay interrupted.

"Zane, Nieala, lets go and find it." Lloyd ordered as he headed out the door. "Uh, I think they'll need my help." Kai said quickly, not wanting to look after baby Nya anymore.

"Yeah, they'll need my help too." Cole said, following Kai. "Later Jay. Good luck." I said as I ran after the boys.

Narrators P.O.V.
Jay sighed and looked down at a sleeping Nya, cradled in his arms. "I guess it's just you and me, huh?" Jay murmured.

Nya slowly opened her eyes and quietly whimpered. She began sucking on her pacifier as she stared innocently at Jay. She tried to speak, but couldn't get the pacifier out of her mouth so Jay took it out for her.

"Where bubba?" Nya asked. "Bubba will be back soon." Jay replied. Nya began to whimper.

Nieala's P.O.V.
Just as we arrived at the City of Stiix Kai's phone began to ring. "Jay?" he answered.

"Kai!" Jay yelped through the phone. "Nya's on the verge of a panic attack because she wants her brother!" "Jay, what difference would it make if I was there? She doesn't even realise I am her brother." Kai pointed out.

"Well at least I would have some help!" Jay growled as he hung up. Kai turned off the phone and caught up with us.

"Who was it?" Cole asked. "It was Jay." Kai responded. "Nya's being difficult. She wants to see me, but even if I was there, she wouldn't recognise me anyway."

"So, Nya's got the memories she had at that age?" Zane deduced. "Yep." Kai said. "Does she know about your parents?" Lloyd asked. I gave him a nudge as a reminder not to mention it.

"I had to tell her. She didn't take it well." Kai murmured. From the corner of his eye, Zane spotted a bronze, shiny object amidst a scrap heap.

"PIXAL, check that target." Zane ordered. "I believe you have found what you are looking for." PIXAL stated.

Narrators P.O.V.
Jay entered the living room with a bowl of baked beans. He found Nya sitting at where he left her, sitting on the couch, watching a horror movie.

She was curious as she tried to pay attention to what was going on. Jay sat down next to her. "Nya, this isn't what I left you to watch." Jay looked up at the screen.

The screen cut to black, and suddenly, a monster emerged out of nowhere. Nya and Jay screamed in shock. Nya began to cry.

She curled herself up against Jay and cried into his arm. "It's okay, baby." Jay cooed. He lifted Nya up onto his lap so that she was facing him and not the screen.

"It's only a movie. It's not real. Here, I've got some baked beans for you to eat." Jay wiped away Nya's tears. "Open wide!" Nya opened her mouth as Jay said, "here comes the airplane!"

Nya chewed on the baked beans and looked at Jay with delight. "More!" she squealed. The other ninja burst into the room.

"Jay, we've got it!" Cole called. "Sorry baby, but baked beans will have to wait. Lets get you normal again!" Jay told Nya as he and the other ninja sat round the teapot.

Nieala's P.O.V.
"More!" Nya demanded. "Nya, I know you're a baby, but remember what Jay said, the baked beans will have to wait," Kai said. "What's the plan, Jay?" Lloyd asked.

"All we need is a bucket full of water." Jay began. "When Cole was a ghost, he couldn't touch water otherwise he'd die, right?"

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me." Cole snarled whilst Kai and Lloyd filled a bucket with water. "I see where you're going with this." I said.

"My database tells me that djinn's are made of the same molecular structure as ghosts. The djinn will be vaporised instantly. Jay, as you want this djinn to die, I can only guess he is bad company." Zane said.

"He's the worst." Jay replied. "Zane, take the bucket and as soon as the djinn says the wish is ours to keep, chuck it at him." "Got it." Zane said.

"I'll open the teapot." Lloyd said as he gave Zane the bucket. "More!" Nya screamed as she began to pout. "In a minute!" Kai barked, causing Nya to cry.

"Hey! Take it easy. She's a baby." I scolded. "I'd better tell Sensei we won't need that tea after all." I called as I ran to Sensei's quarters.

Narrators P.O.V.
Jay picked Nya up and held her close as an orange mist filled the room. "I. Am. Free!" Nadakhan gloated.

Nya clutched onto Jay, frightened by the djinn. Jay held her tightly as a sign of protection. "Nadakhan, I wish my sister was the same age as us!" Kai wished.

An orange glow surrounded the ninja, but not Nya. "You're wish is yours to keep!" Nadakhan chuckled as Zane hurled the water at him. The water splashed against Nadakhan, dissolving him.

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