Chapter 6: Broken

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Narrators P.O.V.
Jay woke up atop of Lloyd. Startled, he fell off the sofa. He looked dazed and confused, and then noticed glimpses of sunlight against the carpet.

He turned around at stared at the blinds. Curious, Jay crawled over to a cabinet. He managed to climb up it and reach the blinds. He separated two blinds and looked out of the window.

What he saw was a thick, white sheet coating the outside, with white sprinkles falling on top of everything.

"Snow?" he murmured. "SNOW!" he squealed, waking up all of the other babies. "Snow?" a sleepy Cole asked Jay. "Yeah!" Jay grinned.

The ninja ran as fast as they could towards the door, desperate to play in the snow. They reached the door, but they couldn't open it.

The babies pounded on the door in an attempt for it to open, but they were unsuccessful. The banging caught Misako's attention.

"What are you doing?" an intrigued Misako questioned. "It snow, we go!" Nya cutely rhymed as the others gazed happily at Misako.

"Okay, you can go outside. But first, you must put on some snow clothes." Misako said. "Oh!" a disappointed Kai groaned. Misako had found some old snow clothes.

She dressed the ninja and opened the door. The babies bolted out. Cole instantly began rolling about in the snow. Lloyd began making snow angels.

A giddy Jay looked around excitably, and then he saw Nya, building a snowman. He began to crawl over to Nya to see what she was doing, but something hit his head.

"HAHA!" Kai laughed as he lobbed another snowball straight at Jay. Jay ran to take cover, but all he could find was the base of Nya's snowman.

Jay ran over to it and hid behind it. He peeked over and another snowball head straight in his direction. This time, instead of hitting Jay, or the snowman, it smacked Nya right in the eye.

The snowball fell off of Nya's eye, which was revealed to be watering.

Kai's heart sank. He was really overprotective of his sister, but instead of protecting her, he hurt her. Kai's eyes scanned the area.

Thankfully, Misako was inside so she couldn't have noticed, otherwise Kai would have been taken back in. Jay got up from behind the snowman and saw Nya cry into her mittened baby hands.

"Nya? Are wu ok?" an worried Jay said as he sat next to his "new friend". Nya sniffed and looked at Jay. Her eye looked slightly sore, but it was fine.

She smiled and asked him. "Do wu want to build snowman?" "Okway!" Jay cheerfully exclaimed. Kai toddled over to apologise to Nya, but saw her having fun building a snowman with Jay.

"NO!" Kai yelled. He approached Jay and shoved him face first into his and Nya's snowman, ruining it. Jay struggled to pull his head out of the snowman's torso, but his soft cries were audible.

Nya pulled Jay out of the snowman and quickly hugged him. Jay returned the hug, enraging Kai. "Dat my sissa!" Kai announced.

He picked up a heap of snow and slammed it in Jay's face, causing Jay to fall onto his back. "NO KAI!" Nya shrieked.

"You mean! Bad bubba!" Kai's heart broke. All he heard was his sister call him a bad brother. Kai stared at Nya, who stuggled, but managed to lift Jay up.

She wiped the snow off Jay's hurt face and glared at Kai. "Go away!" Nya demanded. "B- b- but." Kai stuttered. "GO AWAY!" Kai did as his sister wanted.

He ran away from the tea farm,catching Cole's attention. Cole crawled after a heart-broken Kai.

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