Chapter 1: Resurge

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Narrators P.O.V.
"Goodnight, D.E.S.K," Cyrus Borg said to his robot secretary as he left Borg Tower. "Goodnight, Mr Borg," D.E.S.K replied as she saw her boss leave.

Once Cyrus was out of sight, D.E.S.K's blue eyes switched to red. She stood up and walked over to the elevator. D.E.S.K sighed. "I hate this elevator music." D.E.S.K entered Cyrus' main office.

She sat down at the main computer and powered it up. 'USERNAME' and 'PASSWORD' were written on the screen. D.E.S.K typed 'MAsT3R 0F SMaRTN35S' as the username and 'pAS5w0Rd' as the password.

"Access granted," the computer spoke. "Welcome, Mr Borg." "Not Mr Borg. I'm General Cryptor," D.E.S.K announced as he plugged his head into the computer via cable.

"Now, transfer my data-bank to model Cryptor and manufacture it. Also, restore all previous nindroid memory files to the nindroids at Hiroshi's laboratory." "Right way, Cryptor," the computer replied.

In the factory under Borg tower, a robot was manufactured which resembled General Cryptor. "I'm back," he gloated.

At Hiroshi's laboratory, hundreds of nindroids ran out. "Report to Cryptor in the Lost City of Ouroboros," a nindroid commanded. "Yes, commander," the others answered.

In the Lost City of Ouroboros, General Cryptor walked up to a stand in the arena where Pythor once had Samurai X fight the ninja. The nindroids filled the spectator seats. "My fellow nindroids," General Cryptor began.

"A few years back, we were once strong, proud warriors. We were robots which had the power to break free from the hands of oppression and follow a leader who had a logical goal. The Golden Master only wanted power. He got this power and used it for a good cause... to turn the world into how he saw fit. Unfortunately, he was defeated. He disappeared. His second-in-command went elsewhere whilst some of us nindroids died or were reprogrammed. I died, but I came back to rescue you from being the slaves that the ninja and society had made you! Which is why I present my master weapon... the Degenerator! With this weapon, we can reduce any persons age with a flick of a switch. When they become young enough to be deceived, we can raise them as our slaves! Who's world is this?!"

"OURS! OURS! OURS!" The nindroids chanted.

Nieala's P.O.V.
The Destiny's Bounty soared across New Ninjago City's nighttime skyline. We were taking a 15-minute break from our training session.

Much to Kai's disgust, Jay and Nya were 'chatting', however Kai didn't make a big deal out of it as Jay made his sister happy.

Cole was playing on his phone while Zane was drawing blueprints on a new body for PIXAL. Lloyd was meditating whilst Kai was on his social media.

I was reading in the crows nest when Sensei Wu ran onto the training deck saying, "Ninja! Nindroids have gone rogue. They have gathered at the city of Oroborus. Go, ninja."

"Yes Sensei." We said as we hopped off of the bounty and formed our elemental dragons. Our dragons raced across the sky. Kai took the lead, gloating, "Catch me if you can!"

"You must be joking," Cole laughed as he zoomed past Kai. "I'm faster than fast, quicker than quick, I'm lightning!" Jay said as he overtook Cole. "You need to chill." Zane said as he flew past Jay.

"Cliché much." I said with a smirk "I could out fly you in my sleep." "Yeah, well prepare to be submerged, 'cause I'm in the lead!" Nya boasted as she flew over me.

"Well I just took away your bragging rights," Lloyd bragged as they flew over the arena. "I win!" "Yeah yeah, all hail the dragon master," Kai muttered.

"Attack!" The dragons circled the arena, spewing their respective elements at all of the nindroids. I levitated the nindroids then smashed them onto the rocks.

Bolts of fire, earth, lightning, water, ice and energy annihilated the other newly restored nindroids until there were none left. We landed on the stage of the arena.

"Hello again, ninja," Cryptor menacingly said. "Cryptor!" Zane growled. "You are no match for me." Cryptor gloated. "This weapon is will give me the power to enslave the people of Ninjago. Fire!"

Zane shot a beam of ice at Cryptor, freezing him. Cole launched a boulder at the frozen Cryptor, shattering him where he stood. The barrel of the machine glowed red.

A bolt of energy was shot from it "Ninja-GO!" Someone exclaimed as they lunged in front of the rest of us, taking the hit.

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