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A lot of people from our high school are here along with people from both of our families.

"How are you liking the party?" Collin asks me as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I think it's beautiful, thank you so much for doing all of this for me," I smile and plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"It wasn't just me, your mom and Beth helped out a whole lot. Especially with the decorations, I never would've been able to put all this together."

"Well, I'll be sure to thank them when I see them." I feel a hard kick on the top of my stomach and I try to stifle a groan.

"Alpha has been really active lately. Like Painfully active," I say, lightly rubbing the spot where I was kicked.

"Only six more weeks and our babies will be here," Collin kisses the side of my head and I lean back in my chair.

"Six weeks sounds like forever," I whine. My mom walks over, a cute smile on her face.

"So, how's the party?" I stand up and give her a hug.

"This is so amazing, thank you for helping," I kiss her cheek and give her another tight hug, "The video was amazing too."

"Beth put the video together, it was beautiful wasn't it?"

"I have to find her and go thank her, I'll talk to you later," With one last hug, I leave Collin and my mom alone at the table. I find Beth in the crowd of people and she squeals when she sees me.

"How is it going? I think we all did an awesome job!"

"You did! This is amazing," I smile and look at everything around. The flowers, fairy lights, music, everything is perfect, "How long did it take you guys to plan all this?"

"The video took months but this was only like six days of setting up." Of course, the video would've taken months, Tessa died three months ago and she was in it. I still can't believe that even happened.

"Wow, Beth you're such a great sister," The both of us look at Collin who is laughing and joking around with his friends, "Do you know if Collin is going to take the scholarship to UCLA?"

"It was his dream to play at UCLA but he has bigger things to deal with. Three more lives actually," She says, biting her lip.

"I don't want him to give up his dream just because of me and our kids." Beth shrugs and sits down on a planter.

"I've had this conversation with him. He doesn't want to move to California unless you do too."

"That's the thing, I'm happy where I am. But if he wants to go to college in California then he can go." I sit down next to her and she wraps her arm around me.

"Tell him that, tell him to follow his dreams and tell him to do everything he's been wanting to do since he was five years old. Soccer has always been a big deal to him. I even remember when we were kids, he would kick a paper ball around the house because our Dad got so pissed when he scuffed up the floors with a real soccer ball." I nod and glance at him, "If only we knew he'd achieve everything he said he would."

"Some people can surprise you," Is all I can say. It's true, all people thought Collin was, was a bone-headed jock who fucked a lot of girls. In reality, he's an amazing guy who's smart, caring, funny, and only sometimes is a dimwit but I mean who isn't? He never even sports his letterman jacket, he told me he hated the thing because whenever he wore it people treated him like he was above them.

"Have you gotten any food yet? My grandma cooked this amazing pulled-pork," I shake my head. Collin didn't let me finish my Chinese food earlier, "Cmon then! You have to try all this stuff," She takes my hand and pulls me over to the food table. A large cake sits on it, blue on one side, pink on the other, "Since we don't know the gender we did half and half. The people who think it's a girl take from the pink side and vise versa."

"That's a cool idea, I'm not sure what I think they are," I say, picking up a plate and scooping a large amount of potato salad onto it. I get he recommended pulled-pork and continue to fill up my plate until I'm unable to hold it with one hand.

"I think they're girls," Beth says, a smile on her face.

"Why girls?" I ask as we sit down at my table.

"If I had twins I'd want girls, only because I'd want to dress them the same their whole lives," She laughs, scooping up some food and putting it in her mouth.

"Girls would be nice I suppose," I look down at my swollen abdomen.

"We have some games planned too, like the bottle race, pin the diaper on the baby, and then after all that, we all take our gender guesses with the cake. When the babies are born, the people who chose the correct gender win a 100 dollar gift card to wherever they choose." Beth explains.

"100 dollars on a gift card? Does that include Collin and me?" I laugh but surprisingly Beth nods.

"Well yeah! Unless you know the genders already?" She raises an eyebrow. I shake my head to dismiss her thoughts.

"I don't know," I take the last bite from the plate and push it away. My stomach is full now and I feel like I'm gonna explode.

"Okay then, you're included in the gift card game," Beth stands up, "I'm gonna have to ditch you so I can set up the first game, I'll see you later Care," She takes off into the crowd and I sit alone at my table.

Tonight is easily one of the best days of my life.

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