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First off I want to say I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I needed a break from social media and I deleted everything. But I'm back now and I'm ready to get back into writing here on Wattpad. So thank you for sticking with me and for 4.7K reads. I love you so much!


The three of us stand outside a large house. When I say large, I mean mansion large. This is really fucking intimidating. I instinctively put my hand on my stomach and rub it like a genie lamp.

"You ready?" Collin asks me as a very fancy looking couple walks by. I swallow the lump in my throat and nod reluctantly. Beth smiles and the three of us walk up the driveway and through the front door.

We are greeted by marble flooring, quartz pillars, and a gigantic spiral staircase.

"Holy shit," I whisper, taking in the house around me.

"Careful in those heels Caroline, the marble makes it slippery." Collin wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him as we approach the room where everyone is meeting. We all walk through and am greeted with the music of a band. The band isn't a normal one but instead it's one with violins, cellos, flutes and a singer.

"You don't have to talk to anyone. This is just a charity ball that we attend every year. We donate money, catch up with friends, and then leave." Just as Collin finishes, a girl our age walks over in a tight, sparkling, black dress. She's extremely breathtaking and I'm surprised Collin isn't already drooling over her.

"Beth, Collin, good to see you." She brushes her bangs out of her face before her eyes land on me specifically, "I don't think I've ever met you before, what's your name?"

"Caroline," I say, shaking her hand softly.

"Nice to meet you Caroline. So, Beth, want to come get a drink of champagne with me?" Beth looks at us as if to ask for permission and I shoo her away. She smiles gratefully and then walks off with the unnamed girl.

"She didn't tell me her name," I tell Collin, looking up at him.

"That's Avalee, an old friend of the family," His tone is clipped but I don't want to push him on the subject, she's obviously a sore one. I watch as her and Beth get a glass from one of the waiters.

"So, what do we do? Dance?" I ask, looking over at the dance floor where a bunch of couples are.

"Only if you want, but they like it when people who know how to actually dance, dance."

"I know how to dance!"

Collin smiles and shakes his head, "I mean me Care, I can't dance for shit."

"Then let's find our table," We walk around the room and finally find our table up in front of the stage, "Why are we so close to the front?"

Collin smiles guiltily, "My parents are close to the family who's hosting." My eyes widen and I nearly smack myself, "I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't want to come."

"Collin!" I whine as I sit down. Just then a question dawns on me, "Are we sharing this table with them?"

He nods and I feel ready to give up, "It's alright, she's going to have to accept it whether she likes it or not," he says and then sits down, "My dad doesn't care, too busy to I guess."

I adjust his tie and kiss him on the cheek, "Well, I care, so that's enough to cover the both of your parents." He smiles softly and looks away to the stage where a woman stands, about to speak into the microphone.

"I'd like to personally welcome everyone who's come tonight. This charity gathering is held every year to ensure that the children in third-world countries have fresh water to drink and bathe with." Everyone claps, including me. This party is for a good cause, at least all rich people aren't jerks who blow their money on nothing.

"She's so full of shit," Collin mumbles, dictating my previous thoughts.

Before I ask why, Beth comes over with her parents, "Hey guys! Mom and Dad have just arrived, fashionably late of course."

"You brought her?" I hear Mrs. Bronze whisper harshly to Beth.

"Yeah, I invited her because she's my friend and the mother of my brothers children. Now sit down or go sit somewhere else if you have a problem." Beth sits down in the empty seat next to me and smiles sweetly. She really just did that for me? Beth is the sweetest person I've ever met. Both her and Collin have defended me against their mother.

Their Mom and Dad take a seat at the remaining two chairs and Collin grabs my hand. Mrs. Bronze looks at me nastily, the look on her face is just of pure disgust.

"Just ignore them okay?" He squeezes my hand softly and I nod. The girl I met before, Avalee, stands up on the stage, smiling brightly.

"So, to kick off this charity I'd like to invite my close friend, Collin, to join me up here," Collin looks as surprised as I feel, "Collin Bronze?"

"Collin, go, don't embarrass the poor girl," His father says. Collin stands, walks up the stairs and to the middle of stage where Avalee is.

"So, everyone here should know the infamous Collin Bronze, son of Steven Bronze." Everyone claps and she continues, "Collin has been accepted to eight D1 colleges so far with a soccer scholarship." Eight? The last I heard he only was accepted to five.

"He even reached his goal of being accepted to UCLA!" Everyone cheers and claps for him. Beth turns to look at me and even she seems confused.

"Did you know about this?" She questions me but I shake my head. Beth's eyebrows furrow as she thinks, her head whips back to the stage once Avalee continues talking.

"This just shows how the Bronze men are successful, intelligent, and wonderful partners in this organization." I sit in my seat, still taking in all this information. Collin got accepted to his dream college but I'm holding him back. Our two kids and I are keeping him from pursuing his dreams.

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