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"Do you want to go to a restaurant for lunch?" Collin asks as we approach the parking lot with our bunch of toys and clothes.

"What're you thinking?" I open the door to the backseat and put the bags into the car.

"What about that bistro in the mall? I'm sure they have sandwiches or something." He says, putting one of his hands on the corner door and the other on the outside of the car, trapping me in the small space between him and the backseat. His voice is low and suggestive as he continues, "Or, I can give you something to eat right now."

"Uh, no, no, no. No more sex in cars bucko. That was the hardest thing I've ever done."

"No kidding," He laughs. I roll my eyes and without permission, he gently grabs my face. For a second he stares at me, his pupils are large and take up most of his green irises and then he kisses me. His lips are soft and we kiss for a good minute before the clearing of a throat interrupt us.

A kid our age stands there, a vest for BabiesRUs on, "Are you guys done with the cart?"

I nod and lightly push past Collin, "Here, sorry." He takes the cart and pulls it away from us and back to the large bunch, "The bistro sounds fine, I'll meet you there."

Collin shuts the back door and goes to walk away, "We're finishing this later!" He shouts as he unlocks his car.


The mall parking lot is packed as per usual. I get out of the car and lock it just as Collin approaches me.

"So, I've heard that this bistro has amazing pasta."

"You want me to eat pasta for lunch?" I ask as we walk through the sliding doors of the downstairs.

"Or you can have a sandwich, whatever suits your cravings. Princess." I keep myself from rolling my eyes. We pass tons of stores on our way to the escalator to the water fountain area.

"I think I saw some kids from school inside RadioShack," Collin says, taking my hand in his as he leads me to the bistro.

"You wanna say hi to them? I can wait." I take my seat in a small booth and he sits across from me.

"I'm perfectly fine here." I nod and take the menu from the end of the table. The options for lunch are minimal but they all sound delicious.

"Hi, welcome to Wilbur's." The waitress greets us, "Can I get you started with something to drink or are you ready to order too?"

I look at Collin and he nods, "I'd like to have the garlic shrimp pasta with a Coke, please."

"Of course, for you?" She asks me once she finishes writing down his order.

I open the menu again and say, "A spicy steak sub with a water is great." She nods and walks away from our table.

"What's with you and spicy food?" Collin asks, "Doesn't that give you heartburn or something?"

"Have you been reading up on pregnancies?" I laugh, "But no, the spicy foods don't give me heartburn. Just a good feeling in my tummy."

"Wow Care, are you saying our possible children might be really into spicy things?"

"It's not might be, it's are."

He chuckles, "That entire sentence didn't make any sense."

"Does it have to?" I reply, tapping on the table.

"Depending on the situation, yes."

"You know, I think you're sounding a lot smarter too!" He raises an eyebrow and sits back in his seat.

"I'm passing English with an B."

"Passing English has nothing to do with it but okay. Congrats." He smiles triumphantly and then pulls out his phone. Collin scrolls for a minute stops and then keeps scrolling again. And this is when I see the teenager in him.

He doesn't act his age anymore. I think him becoming a father and accepting it is really changing who he is, maturity wise. Though, he does let his other head take control of his brain sometimes.

The waitress comes with our drinks and sets them down on the table along with straws.

"Here are these, I'll be back in your meals in about ten minutes." I nod even though she doesn't care. The woman takes off to another table and greets them with the same thing she said to the two of us earlier.

"I need to get a job." I say, resting my elbows on the table, causing Collin to look up from his phone, "I feel useless right now."

"How the hell are you useless? You're growing a human inside of you right now."

"You make me sound like I'm some gardener."

"I only call it as I see it." He raises his hands and I reach over the table to sock him in the arm. He laughs and sets his phone down, "What if you help Hailey out with the Mommy group thing?"

"You think she'll pay me?" I ask, taking a sip of my drink.

"You guys seem to hit it off at the store. She wanted you to text her and everything." I roll my eyes and push the cup away.

"I'm not going to the classes alone. You're supposed to go with me too. It's not just mommies it's called the first time parents class or something."

"There's no way I'll let you go alone. There's going to be so many hot and single pregnant woman that I can't get enough of." A couple that walks pasts us turns to look at Collin with a disgusted look on their faces. I hold in a laugh and nearly die.

"Let's keep from getting kicked out of here, shall we?" He nods, smiling like an idiot.

"You know, I really like it when you wear your sundresses."

"Why is that?" I ask, looking down at the clothes I have on now.

"Your legs are amazing." Collin sighs contently.

"I'm never wearing yoga pants around you."

"You wouldn't even get a chance to wear them if you were around me," He comments as the waitress comes with a tray. She sets down Collin's plate first and then mine.

"Enjoy your food, thank you again for coming to Wilbur's."

I take my fork and pull apart the bread from the sub.

"What're you doing? Stop that." I raise an eyebrow and put the fork down.

"I don't want to bite into it," I whine, picking up the entire sandwich and taking a bite off the damaged side.

"You have to, it's the law of life," Collin says, twisting the pasta around on his fork.

"Screw the law of life, I'm a rebellious child who wants to eat a sandwich with a fork."

"Major respect, fight for what you believe in." Collin hits his chest twice and throws out the peace sign.

I laugh and we continue eating our food and talking about the honest nothings of the world. This is truly the best lunch I've been out to in a while.

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