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After dinner, Tessa and Warren immediately go upstairs to sleep.

Dylan and I stay in the living room and watch some cartoons and talking about some of the things we missed out on.

"My first kiss was pretty embarrassing. The second after she kissed me, she threw up everywhere." My eyes widen and I start gagging. "I know! I guess she had food poisoning and forgot to mention it when we were talking."

"My first kiss was in like, third grade I think? It was a dare from one of my friends." He nods and plays with his hair.

"It's odd, how long we've been away from each other but we're able to pick our friendship back up like I never left." He says, looking me in the eyes.

"I mean, we were together everyday for five years, of course we'd be friends now."

"Thats true." He sits up from his seat. " I think I'm gonna go upstairs. It's getting pretty late." Dylan stands up from the couch and stretches. "Goodnight Care." He kisses my cheek and I watch as he walks out of the kitchen and into the main room that leads to the stairs.

My mind longs to go upstairs but my body decides otherwise. I lay down all the way and grab the blanket that was folded nicely on top of the couch.

The TV shuts of manually and I take that as my cue to go to sleep.


My eyes open and I see nothing. All of the lights are off and the windows are covered with nicely decorated curtains.

I throw the blanket off of my body and stand up from the couch. The time is broadcasted brightly on the cable box.


My bag still sits where I left it last night. I take it with me upstairs and make my way quietly down the hallway to a bedroom door that was open.

Nobody's in the room so I shut the door and throw the duffle onto the bed. I take in my surroundings and see that I got a room with a bathroom in it.

I unzip the duffle bag and take out my bathroom necessities. Carrying everything in one go was difficult and I drop a few things on the way to the bathroom.

A cabinet sits behind the bathroom door, so I move the door and open it.

Towels, shampoo, conditioner, and liquid soap sit on the shelf. I drop everything on the counter and place most of the items on the empty shelf.

After taking a towel, I put my own shampoo, conditioner, and soap in the shower and then turn on the warm water.


My shower lasts a good twenty minutes. I take the towel from the counter and dry myself off. I take out a black strapless bra and dark grey boy shorts. I put those on plus a black maxi dress with laced toms.

I brush my hair and put it up into a high ponytail.

Shortly after I'm done getting ready, I hear a soft knock come from the other side of the door.

"Come in!" I say and watch as the door opens to reveal Tessa.

"Hey bean, you're awake! Warren and I are going to get breakfast, what do you want?"

"Where are you going?" I ask, standing from the bed and following Tess into the hallway and down the stairs.

"Probably to Carl's Breakfast. It's deep in town so it'll be a little while before we get back."

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