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We arrive at the school right when the video finishes. It's already dark and the school should be closed by now.

Collin pulls into the parking spot where it once was and hopped out of the Jeep. I grab everything we brought with us and get out.

"Now, I'm going to leave the keys inside the car and lock it." He sets the keychain on the driver's seat and then locks the door before closing it.

"That's not nice," I comment as he starts walking away from the car.

"Everything we did in that car wasn't nice." He says as we leave the parking lot.

"How far is your house from here?" I ask, adjusting my hair.

"No far, about a mile." I sigh and I get the butterfly feeling in my stomach again. I take out my phone and type in the search engine, 'Butterfly feeling in stomach while pregnant'

A large list of things pop up and I press on the www.megamommies.com link.

I scroll through the website until I see my answer. It says, 'Your baby is constantly wiggling inside your belly right from conception but only from around 16 to 20 weeks can you start feeling those movements and what an exciting feeling it is! This sensation is often referred to as "quickening", it may feel like a fluttering of butterflies or a light tapping in your stomach.'

My baby is moving and I can feel it. That's so creepy. I put my hand on my stomach and wait for the feeling to go away.

"Anything wrong?" Collin asks, turning around to look at me.

"Uh no, you know that feeling I was talking about earlier?" He nods and stops walking, "I guess that means the baby is moving around and I can feel it."

He smiles and says, "My seed is a ninja. I'm proud." I roll my eyes and keep walking, my legs start to cramp and I feel my breath starting to quicken.

"You know, all this exercise I've been doing today has been pretty great. But, can I be carried or something?" I beg, walking slower.

He glances at me and then groans, "Fine, but let's not make this a regular thing." Collin loops his arms under my legs and supports my back with his other arm. "You're heavier than I remember."

"Hey, I already feel bad that I've gained ten pounds! I'm only four months into this thing, imagine how fat I'm going to be in the next month." I say, looking up at the night sky. The stars are brightly shown, like all of the space decided to shine at the same time.

"It's alright, I like my girls with some meat on their bones."

"Collin," He looks at me, his hair falls into his eyes and I move it out of the way, "What happened today, it doesn't mean we're getting back together."

It seems like I caught him off guard, he looks away from me, as if thinking of what to say, "Uh, yeah, I know. It was just a one-time thing."

"Yeah." I look at the street corner we're on and he turns into his and Warren's neighborhood.

He lets me down and we walk up to his front door. Collin lets us both in and I follow him into the garage where three cars sit.

"These are your options for cars, I'm permitting you to use to one of them Caroline."

"You mean you're giving me a car?" He nods simply and my mouth nearly drops to the floor, "Yeah no, not happening." I push the three sets of keys he's jingling in my face away from me.

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