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"Caroline, get up." My mom shakes me awake. I open my eyes and look around, the TV is still going with Tom and Jerry, and my pizza box sits on the coffee table.

"Uh, what time is it?" I sit up and scoot over so she can sit down.

"It's almost five o'clock. I'm about to start dinner."

"Oh, alright. I'm gonna go and change out of these clothes and put on pajamas." I stand from the couch and approach the stairs.

"Warren's in your room!" She yells as I make it up to the top.

I walk into my bedroom and Warren sits on my solemn home. He's visibly upset so I slowly make my way around the bed. The last time he was upset he blew up on me.

"What're you doing here?" I crawl onto my bed and get under the covers which is an automatic invite for him to get under too. He draws back the blanket and gets in next to me.

"I don't go to school for a day and everything turns to shit." He says, stuffing his face between the pillows on the bed.

"What do you mean?" I ask, taking his hand in mine and playing with his abnormally long fingers.

"You know about the videos. But it turns out Tessa and Dylan have been hooking up since the day I proposed." I furrow my eyebrows and let go of his hand.

"That's why they were acting so weird when we left," I mumble to myself, then I remember what Tessa told me today. "Uh, not to add to your shit storm but Tessa's moving to New York."

"What? When did this happen?" Warren asks, his face clearly showing confusion.

"She told me at school that she was going to live there until after the baby is born."

"I don't get why she didn't clear this with me first. It's my baby too!" He lays on his back and sighs, "This is way too stressful."

"War, do you wanna stay the night tonight? I'm not doing anything."

He pretends to think about it and then says, "Sure, I need a new cuddle buddy anyway." He lifts his arm and I scoot in next to him. "Having you around is great, you're really someone I can depend on, like a sister."

I pat his chest lightly, "I'm always gonna be here for you. Even when you're eighty and shitting yourself, I'll be sitting right next to you, shitting myself too."

"That's a great visual." He laughs and I do too. "But in all seriousness, I really love you."

"I love you too." I snuggle into his warmth even more and close my eyes, "I'm gonna sleep, wake me when dinner's ready."


"Dinner's ready!" I hear my mom practically scream from downstairs. I sit up and Warren lays there, not moving a single muscle.

"My arm feels like it's dead." He slowly sits up and rubs his arm, "You're heavier than I remember."

"What is up with everyone and talking about my weight? I'm carrying another human, of course, I'm heavier!" Warren chuckles lightly and gets up off the bed.

"I'm going downstairs for first serves and to meet the paw paw."

"Ew, don't call my dad 'paw paw'. But sure, go meet him champ." I usher him out of my room and shut the door. I change into a onesie to show off my belly and slip on some toms.

I walk downstairs and I see Collin and Warren giving each other dirty looks in the kitchen.

"So, uh. Collin lives here now?" Warren grabs a plate from the stack and makes himself a taco.

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