chapter 20

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Hey, just wanted to apologize for the late release due to major writer's block. Let me know what you all think of the new update xx

Stella's POV

I found Franky rocking herself back and forth as if it were comforting her....

"Hey... Franky what's wrong!?" I asked her as I shut the door behind me. I sat down next to her as she sat there, she didn't seem to be crying but I had a feeling she was about to...

She had stopped rocking and looked up at me." Where is Gidge?" She asked me, with a panicked look." Who?" I brushed her vibrant black hair from out of her face." Are you okay?" "Yeah um, Bridget, the councilor. Do you know where she is..."

"Shes in her office, I was just talking to her." I replied. "What did she say to you?"

"Nothing, I just asked her if she had seen you."I said, confused as to why she looked so upset.

She nodded and we started walking towards the gates that lead to westfalls office, so Franky could talk to her.
" Franky...." I glanced at her as we walked and she looked really upset.

"What." She bluntly replied. She almost looked as if she were annoyed at the fact that I care... we arrived and saw Miss Westfall approaching the gate. "It doesn't matter." I said and walked away, leaving her watching me for a brief second and then talking discreetly to Bridget.

Maxie was in the kitchen and seeing as I had jobs to do there I decided to talk to her. Boomer had been called into the governors office and Maxine was putting the chairs up on tables in the cafeteria. "Hey Maxie." I smiled while putting a few chairs up." Hey stell, what can I help you with?" "Oh, nothing much, I was just are you?" She just laughed. "I'm good stell, how are you?" I smiled and replied something along the lines of 'I'm fine' or 'good' or something. But the truth is, I wasn't.


It has been two weeks since Franky started acting weird. Its seriously freaking me out.
She seemed to be avoiding me unless it was involuntarily, such as at the cafeteria or when we had duties to do together. She seems to be distancing herself and I feel as though she doesn't really like me... I know, I sound so dramatic but its reality.

"Stell, the chickens need to be brought in, and stacked." Boomer said, while sitting down and grabbing a hand full of biscuits from her biscuit tray." Booms, I asked you to help her..." Maxine crossed her arms and watched her expectantly." Yeah, I know. I was just having a snack, Maxie. And besides, she doesn't really need me, does she? I mean, I know I'm strong and tough and all bu-" she was interupted by Maxine hushing her and telling her to hurry up and help. Boomer just huffed defeatedly.

We both then, carried the chickens in, boomer, thoroughly checking the insides for random shit, like drugs and all. I sighed, its not that I have a problem with drugs but the system is already corrupted and fucked up enough. And drugs aren't really going to help... Most of the women are probably in here for drug deals or usage.

After quite a few boxes of chickens being searched, boomer finally found a small bag of white powder, most likely cocaine, but we never know.... It could be baby powder, but I doubt it.

"Jackpot!!!" Boomer yelled and ran out of the room. Great...looks like I'm stacking the rest alone...I thought, looking toward the five boxes of chickens, waiting to be stacked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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