Chapter 7

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Stella's POV

As we headed to the kitchen i realised i was starting to freak out. I haven't been around the other women and most of them look like they want to murder me..."uh Franky... these women are they gonna hurt me..." i asked grabbing on to her arm..." naah, they all know my story accept for the suicide part just the oil and they know I'm friends with Bea,and Bea's top dog... leader of all the women. She's gotta sort all the problems. its like highschool. You don't know who wants to fight or fuck you. Believe it or not, i use to be top dog for a while, that's why they know me... you'll be fine buttons," Franky smiled."i believe you. Why'd you give up top dog...""because she escaped... everyone then realised she was like a god so i said 'you're top dog now, happy!' But i was glad to be rid of it. Its so exhausting...""oh how long do you have in prison."i said "i was charged with verbal abuse to an officer like 2 months ago so i have like 4 months.. wait you have only four months here too... we'll both be leaving here at the same time....""yeah we will be." We arrived at the kitchen and miss miles, the correctional officer still hadn't arrived. We all started to prepare breakfast when a different officer came. "Mr Jackson... great to see you again after your holiday off... i hope you're not gonna let red out again...." Franky laughed and looked at Mr Jackson."shut up Franky and get to work. Don't make me press charges against you." He said.

Wait what did Franky say... red.... let red out...she escaped the facility.... it all makes sense now....i think.... i began to feel dizzy. I sprinted down the corridor and into the bathrooms.. i went into the cubicle and vomited. I don't know why i felt nervous other than the fact one of my unit inmates fucking killed a man right in front of me!... i walked over to the sink and washed my face. I ran my fingers through my dark brown hair. I walked fast back to the kitchen just as Franky turned round to face me." These chickens need to be stacked." She smiled and gave them to me... phew... she didn't notice me leave which is good...

Time skip

We were all allowed outside for an hour after we finished our chores. The officers put me with Franky as they thought we worked well together. Franky and i never left each others side... we're like best friends and i love her for protecting me. Bea protects me too but ever since i found out she murdered someone right in front of me i stayed right away from her. Franky started to walk towards our unit inmates. "You coming buttons.." she said. "Uh i-i think we should sit over there..." i stuttered. "ok... are you sure.." she questioned. "Yeah lets sit over there." I smiled...
"Are you feeling ok buttons." She asked as we sat down by the basketball court."yeah I'm fine...just uh what were you saying to Mr Jackson while we were preparing breakfast...""oh... 4 years ago Bea escaped from the prison and killed the bloke who murdered her daughter. Mr Jackson was the officer in charge of her because she was in hospital... we had a fight and she cut her wrists. The officers thought i cut her so they didn't handcuff her and she escaped..." Franky said." Did Bea see anyone witnessing like hiding..."
" she said she saw a girl who looked like she was 15 or 16 but she thought she was imagining it because the girl looked like her daughter that the guy killed."" Oh... do you know what the daughter looks like.."" yeah.. she looks a lot like you... but she has curlier hair....wait..."" yeah uh she wasn't hallucinating. I was there... Mr Jackson was telling her it wouldn't be worth it because she would be in prison for life but she said he killed my daughter so I'm going to kill him..."

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