Chapter 5

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Stella's POV

"I-I cant" I said."you can trust me... i'll tell you about me Stell, I haven't told anyone about me, not even red, I mean Bea.. you don't have to tell me. but I just want you to know you can trust me..." Franky smiled."OK" I replied."well I used to be... suicidal. I got arrested for throwing oil in a mans face and drug use. The man saved me from dying....I was about to die but he saved me.. so I killed him... and I regret it so much but I cant do anything but grieve about it." She said and turned away. I guess I'm not the only one who had it tough....

Bea's POV

"What do you think they're talking about..." Doreen asked me."dunno but frank's is still in there so that's good..."
I got up and walked into my cell. Stella reminds me so much of Debbie... I feel so... I don't know.. I feel like we have a connection.... with me murdering Brayden Holt... I don't know I think I've seen her somewhere before I went to prison...

Stella's POV

I didn't know what to do so I hugged her and I felt safe in her arms which means I know I can trust her...a few seconds later she hugged me back and we sat there for around 30 seconds just hugging each other. I looked up to see she was crying... I let go of her and wiped her tears away. She looked at my arm and gently grabbed it. She looked at all the scars reminding me of the times... I remember every single time I cut... at that moment Franky pulled me into another long hug and we both were crying so much. "I must look so fucking weak!" I mumbled in her jersey."hey, you're not fucking weak you've just been strong for to long OK babes, don't tell yourself that or you'll start believing it..." she said and faced me...

I finally decided to tell her "my parents died when I was thirteen...In a mysterious car crash... I  had no family and had to be fostered. I was an suicidal, self harming emo who didn't know where she stood in life. I was pressured into going to a party even though I just wanted to listen to music...I i went out, to make someone happy. My friends basically ignored me so I left and a guy said if I didn't go with him he'd hurt me. He pulled out a knife and I kicked his hand and stabbed him repeatedly in the heart. I so wish I stabbed myself instead..." I cried into Franky's shoulder..." don't say that baby ,I'm glad you're alive we can survive together OK don't do anything I would do OK." She smiled and grabbed the blade on the photo frame. "How'd you know? " I mumbled.."I'm a self harmer too. All these tattoos I did to myself out of hate..." she smiled sadly. "I've got to go to my cell, buttons..."

"Please stay with me" I said. "I'll come back in half an hour once lock downs finished OK buttons..." "OK" I smiled as she left...

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