Chapter 8

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Franky's POV

Fuck that kids had it hard...i mean come on, 16 years old and witnessed
someone getting murdered. As well as dealing with mental issues... i don't know if mine was bad, but i guess it was...

I was always alone when i was a teenager....My father is in the army and would always be away from home. And my mother,well she is always working. She's a nurse at our local hospital and works many hours so most of the time in alone... i mean don't get me wrong, i love peace and quiet, being a only child I'm use to it. At school though, is a living hell.. for everyone, but for me especially. I got bullied... a lot. I had no friends, until the new kid came.


I woke up to hear Chris motionless singing well screaming devils night. It was obviously my alarm.. i got up and brushed my hair into the emo style it usually goes in and put mascara, eyeliner, and blush on. I searched through my closet for my favourite sleeping with sirens shirt and black jeans with my fishnet fingerless gloves and boots. Yay... another fun filled day (not) at my hellish school... i thought while walking downstairs hoping to see my mother making me breakfast like she said she would before she left for work last night. Yet once again she wasn't. I don't know why i believed her in the first place. I grabbed my school bag along with an apple and started walking to school. I arrived to class five minutes late due to the search for my clothing. "Damn...i thought the emo had already killed herself, but no..." one of the cheerleaders said under her breath causing half the class to laugh... " nope still here.. sadly.." i muttered walking to my seat... I'm the only emo in my class but there's heaps in the school they just all hate me i guess... "hey...don't listen to them" someone said. I obviously wasn't listening because they tapped my shoulder like 10 seconds later.. "what... oh I'm use to it" i mumbled trying to get through class without getting annoyed even more."I'm the new kid, my names Chase.." he said quietly. "Hi.. new kid I'm Francesca. Call me Franky ." I said unamused. "Well.. Frances- i mean Franky do they bully you often." Chase asked. "Yup but i really don't care..." "well do you have any friends..""nope I'm a lone wolf i defend for myself ... friends just weaken you to a point where they drop your ass and eventually leave you with nothing. Being alone makes you stronger i always say..."" oh.. well that's what happened to me before i moved. You are smart ya know... words of wisdom.."" yeah i know I'm smart but the rest doesn't really make sense" i whispered. "Yeah i don't make sense often." He said just before the bell for lunch went. I quickly got up and was walking towards the cafeteria when i heard someone call my name. "What do you want chase." I said turning around and starting to get annoyed. "well that is not the way you should treat you're new friend Franky." He said." Like i said... I'm a lone wolf... i don't have time friends.." i mumbled and started to walk away. I got to the cafeteria and sat at my usual seat. Its like a routine you see, go to class, lunch and listen to music, then class again, listen to music, class, listen to music, and sometime i listen to music in class when I'm feeling rebellious... i don't have time for friends who eventually will just drop me once they're sick of me... i closed my eyes and put my ear pieces in and started listening to my favourite song,listen up falling in reverse. 30 seconds through the song i felt someone sit down next to me." Look maybe you should try... you know... have a might help...." Chase smiled." You realise i had my ear pieces in right?" I smiled."its not as easy as you think Chase, my whole life i had no friends. I always had been bullied since my first day of elementary school. My parents even considered sending me to boarding school. Which would have made it worse because id get bullied there too...""no matter where you are or go there will always be judgemental bitches out there Franky, we may have to live with them too. Trust me i would know..."" you're right and the last bit once again didn't make sense..." i laughed as the bell rang and we walked to class together.

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