Chapter 18

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Franky's POV

I can't believe I told Stella I love her. She doesn't seem to be taking it well. I don't know why I decided to tell her like that... the way I told her was just so cliché. I kind of feel bad for telling now, But i couldn't keep it from her...

Bea's POV

Something is definitely up with Stella and Franky. I wonder if something happened between them.
"Hey Franky, do you wanna go get Stella. We need to head to the cafeteria..." I asked." Uh.... sure..." she smiled. She walked to her door and hesitated." Franky? Are you and Stella really okay?" I questioned." Oh yeah. We are good." She said and knocked." Hey Stell, we are heading to the cafeteria now, are ya coming?" She yelled." Ill be right out." Stella said. That's weird... Franky didn't use Stella's nickname few seconds later Stella walked out and the unit started heading towards the cafeteria.

Stella's POV

Franky and I were a few steps behind everyone as we headed to the cafeteria." Will you please talk to me?!" Franky pleaded."Hi." I smile cheekily."You know what I mean!" She says looking extremely irritated." Okay...well what do you wanna talk about?" I say as we stood outside the cafeteria doors and everyone went inside." I don't expect you to love me yet, seeing as we haven't known each other long, But I want you to know I love you an-"" I cant do this right now," I say and walk in the cafeteria.

Franky's POV

Stella is driving me insane!... First, I tell her I love her and she swears and walks away. Secondly, she completely ignores me. And now I try to talk to her and she walks away!? Like, are you kidding!? honestly, I don't care that the whole of the prison is going to hear this but here goes nothing... Bloody hell, I sure do love this girl.

I ran into the cafeteria to see her walking towards the line of women. I grabbed her arm and spun her towards me." Why won't you talk to me Stella? Just talk to me!" "I cant..." she said. " Why not?" I ask.

Stella's POV

"Because..." I say and pull my arm away." Stella I-" "I'm sorry Franky but we're in the cafeteria. Lets talk about this some other tim-" I start.
"NO! I don't give a flying fuck if the whole prison can hear us!" She screamed." Doyle... keep it down." Smiles yelled and walked out for some reason." Why wont you talk to me? If I did something then fucking tell me so I can fix it, because I fucking love you and I won't stop loving you whether you love me or not!" She yelled.

Wow.... I really do love her. I just dont want to admit it because I dont want to get to close to her....I dont know what to do....

"I dont know what to say Franky?! What do you want from me?!!" I screamed as tears came rushing out of my eyes. I saw the hurt flash in her eyes, but just for a second before it disappeared.
" Im scared Franky! Im scared your going to hurt me... not physically, I mean... Im scared I'll give you my heart and you will take it and break it beyond fixing. And Of course I fucking love you silly. Ive loved you since the day we met... I knew I could trust you." I say as she stands there taking it all in. The whole cafeteria was silent, listening to our arguement. But the smile on her face was priceless as she instantly hugged me."Stella, I'm not going to hurt you. I would never purposely hurt you. And you know what?" She whispered in my ear." What?"" We just argued like a married couple." She grinned cheekily." You certainly are something else." I laugh." Okay... But what about Kim?" I asked."I didn't love her. And I'm a different person now stell , give me a chance, eh?" She smiled her, beautiful, charming smile. I smiled and look around the cafeteria to see everyones eyes still on us.

" Well wasn't that cute." Kaz says and stands up." No one asked for your opinion." Franky stated. I looked at her with a confused look as she glares at Kaz." Why don't you go and get something to eat and sit with the crew, buttons?" Franky smiled at me and I looked at her once again confused." Oh hell no! Im staying by your side no matter what." I said and stood right next to her, facing Kaz." Looks like your gonna have to start training ya bitch." Kaz said as her group all accept allie, laughed. Allie just sat there looking extremely uncomfortable." You fucking bitch!" Franky screamed and slapped her in the face." NO ONE MESSES WITH MY GIRL AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" She yelled and punched Kaz square in the jaw. Bea rushed over Franky and held her back but Franky got away from her." Franks, you need to calm the fuck down." Bea said." Did you not just hear what the fuck she just said?" Franky asked her, losing her temper." Franky its okay! Let's just let it go." I say and hold her hands." Come on lets go to the courtyard" I smile and start to take her outside."okay" she says to me and turns to face Kaz." But dont you ever disrespect any of the girls or you will regret ever being born." She spat at Kaz and turned back around, holding my hand as we walked out of the cafeteria....I really do love this girl.

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