chapter 10

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Franky's POV

So yeah.... we were together.. for a few months. We had our ups and downs and couldn't get through them so we decided to call it quits. We continued on as best friends until that tragic day.....


I arrived to class and sat down. Chase wasn't here yet... maybe I'm early... i looked at the clock on the wall.9:00am, nope I'm not early... where is he.... a few minutes later, a tired and upset Chase walked in. "Nice to see you chase, would have been nicer if you were early." The teacher said. Chase just grumbled something and came and sat down next to me."are you ok.." i asked worriedly." Yeah..."he said.

We sat in silence for most of the day our last class we didnt have with each other. The bell rang for lunch and we headed to our usual seats." I just wanted to say that you are the most amazing person i have ever met..."
"Chase....""no..just listen... i love you ok... and i know our relationship didn't last very long but i still love you..." he cried." Chase.. why are you crying... did something happen..." u asked as he continuously sobbed..." no... just i want you to know that and it doesn't matter if you don't love me... i just want you to know ok...""ok chase youre scaring me."" Whats scary franky i just want you to know i love you...""yes but this is important.... how is -" i was interrupted by the bell and with that chase was already gone.

Holy shit... why does he do that to me. I sat through my last class by myself just waiting for the day to end. Of course the cheerleaders started mocking me and just being bitches through class so i had to put up with them, but Chase was on my mind the whole lesson. Maybe i do like him....
Finally after what seemed like forever, the bell rang and i got up and walked towards the door when one of the cheerleaders stuck their foot in front of me and said "oopps... didnt see you there." I just got back up and walked to chases class but he wasnt there. I asked the teacher if he saw him but he said he hadnt been in class all lesson. I started walking to his house like i always do when i was worried about him. I knocked on his door and no one answered. His parents both work until 6 so that means hes not home. I walked around the hard for 10 minutes hoping he'd show up but he didnt. I was about to leave when i heard a sob in the back yard. Me being the curious person i am i walked to the gate which was one of the most hurtful and horrible thing i saw in my life.

My best friend was dead... he hung himself and i was there the whole time. I walked over to the tree where he was and i attempted to get him down i untied the knots and layed him on the ground." why.." i sobbed on to him. I got up and saw two notes on the ground one for his family and one for me. It said:

Dear my one and only,

Im so sorry... i love you and i mean it. But im gone now okay. I need you to move on love,

I was to scared to tell you this in person so... Rosie died last night.... it was my fault she died... i fell asleep when i was supposed to give her medicine before she went to bed. I was up looking after her for days but thats no excuse... i found her in her room she had been playing with her barbie dolls but she was laying there with the doll one in her hand and she was..
dead... i couldnt stop crying that night. I layed her on her bed before i went to my room and called mum and told her she died in her sleep... but i lied.... i couldnt live with the grief and thats why i.. did this.... im so sorry to leave you behind in this cruel,cruel world and i love you so much ok. My parents and I want you to come to my funeral and all i want you to do is move on ok... don't do what i did... and i love you... good bye.. i hope to see you soon my dear....

With love from Chase...

I couldn't believe it. I called the police and his parents....i sat down beside him." Chase... how fucking dare you. I told you friends just drop you. I told you... this is the reason i had no friends chase... i didn't want to get more hurt..." i mumbled and cried on his chest."I'm sorry. Please forgive me and move on Francesca..." i heard a soothing and familiar voice call. I look up to see what looks like an angelic Chase...""chase?? You're... an angel...." i mumbled." need to move on Franky.... I'm sorry good bye..." he smiled and disappeared just as his parents and the cops came...

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