Chapter 13

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Stella's POV

Juice and her gang... they are going to...going to.... No, they can't. I looked at the button next to the door. Shit i cant push that....Franky said they'd steam my hands off ...
"So...i see you want some of this." Juice laughed and her mates blocked my path so i couldn't get past." Fuck off juice, i don't have time for your shit." I said annoyed. "Oh we have a feisty one girls" she smirked and pinned me against the wall. I punched her in the face and she stumbled back into her girls." Fucking bitch!" She yelled and flung her fat body at me. I managed to dodge her and slid through her two girls as juice hit her face on the wall. I quickly grabbed my stuff and one of the girls flung their arms at me and hit my cheek. I started sprinting to the door when juice pulled me back and i fell on the ground.

"we're not finished just yet or should we take it to the bedroom." She winked." Fucking pig. Fuck with me again and ill fuck you and your gang over you fat fucking whore. Your a disgusting pig faced slut.'' I yelled random swear words as i kicked juiced in the lady parts. I jumped up and punched both the girls in the face." You let her get away! Fucking hell." juice yelled.

I sprinted to my room and put my stuff away. I sat on my bed and thought about what the fuck just happened. It was time for lock down and so i got up and stood outside my door. About 15 minutes later the guards left and everyone went in to their cells. I snuck into Franky's cell. I came in to find the blade. I have been so triggered lately... i know,i know its just the stress of being a new prisoner and all. I luckily escaped juice and her gang. I'm certainly never going to the showers alone again...

Where the hell did Franky put it!?!.. I thought to myself as i searched through out her room. I finally found it after about 10 minutes of searching. I went into my cell and stared at the blade. 10 small cuts was enough to make me feel dizzy so i put the blade in the drawers by the sink and wrapped my arm in toilet paper. I laid down and fell into a dreamless sleep.


Stella's POV

I woke up to the sound of knocking. I got up to see it was Maxine." Hi stell, i just wanted to see if you were okay?" She smiled sweetly."oh, hi Maxie...I'm fine how are you doing?""I'm okay... would you like some tea?" She asked."oh, yes please""sugar?""two please."i said as i sat down at the table."so how are you settling in stell," she questioned." Okay i guess. Franky is very protective and i love her for that." I smiled.
"hey stell, i just want you to know.. that all of us are here for you too... including Bea. Now,...Bea would never hurt you. Unless, she had a reason...."she said in a motherly but sweet way. "Yeah, thanks for letting me know." i smiled as she handed me my tea and sat next to me." So, do you like girls or guys?" She asked me." I don't really know to be honest. I have had a crush on both genders."i said." Do you like girls? Or just boys?" I asked." I like both but preferably men." She stated. We talked a lot about many things until Bea came out of her cell and walked towards us ."hey, Maxie... Stella." She smiled."Good morning.." we both said." Well I'm going to go to the showers." Maxine smiled."oh, ill come too..." i said rather quickly." Okay... then we need to go to the cafeteria. Allie has taken over the kitchen until Franky returns. Is that okay with you guys...."Bea questioned." Yeah fine by me." Maxine smiled." Yeah, that's cool. But do you know when Franky gets out of the slot? " i asked. "Oh... um its up to governor but I'll see if i can find out." She said." Okay thanks..." i smiled and Maxie and i left.

"Who's Allie?" I asked Maxine once we were out of earshot." Oh Allie's one of Bea's close friends... i think Bea and Allie are gonna start dating eventually..." Maxine smiled." Bea's gay?" I asked extremely shocked." Well not necessarily... but its all in the way they look at each other. When we go to the cafeteria... keep an eye on them... Allie's the one with blonde hair and will be running the kitchen okay?" She smiled as we walked through the doors into the shower rooms.

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