Chapter 12

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Bea's POV

I was sitting with my friends when I noticed Franky and Stella wasn't with us. I looked around the courtyard and spotted them sitting by the basketball court."why is Franky and Stella over there." I mumbled."i don't know but i noticed Stella was a bit freaked out at breakfast."Boomer said."oh, its probably just because its her first official day." Maxine said. All of a sudden i heard Stella say "Franky please don't say anything.""We cant just ignore it. I either say something to her or you can go to a councillor.""But-but i-"Franky got up and walked towards me. "Hey Bea can you come with me for a sec?""uh sure."i say and get up. We walk towards Stella and she looks shit scared."ok. Bea can you please tell her you're not going to hurt her." Franky said."Stella,I'm not going to hurt you. Why would you think that?""be-because i was there when you murdered that guy. I saw you running and like they say, curiosity killed the cat.""oh. Well i wont hurt you unless i have a good reason, and if you follow the rules then we wont have a problem,okay?" I smiled and walked away. Franky ran up to me and mumbled" thanks. She's not so scared, but you better leave the talking to me."she winked and walked back to Stella.

Stella's POV

I can not believe Franky just did that.
"Franky!Why'd you do that." I yelled/whispered."What? I was helping you. Now you don't have to worry about her hurting you cause she wont. And if she does then I'll hurt her.""well,last time you guys had a fight, you lost.""you think i wont hurt her? Ouch...." "no,I'm sure you can. And anyway she doesn't seem to bad anymore." I lied.

I don't know why I'm shit scared of her. Its just the fact that she killed him on purpose. I killed that man from self defence not because i hated him. I didn't even know him. Just bad timing i guess... but Bea just seems a lot scarier considering she's top dog and all. I sound like a baby don't I? But honestly, Many people love Bea, like the red right hand. Its a bunch of feminists who love what Bea did to her husband, and Brayden Holt. In fact, some of the red right hand are in this facility but i don't think they love her after Bea screwed over Kaz Proctor , the leader.
Joan Ferguson and a few more of the other women are members too. Apparently Joan use to be the governor but now Vera Bennett is. I heard all this from Franky, obviously. She told me everything that happened in this prison.

Franky and I decided to play some basketball 1v1. She was in the lead by one point when Jody Spitare walked up to us with all her crack head mates." Aaaww look at that girls, the newbie and Franky are playing basketball. I hope you don't break a nail Stella." She mockingly smiled at me."Ugh, fuck off would you Jody." Franky said."nah I'm just here to enjoy a little basketball. Give us the vall would ya." She said and snatched the ball out of my hands."Fucking bitch! You so much as go near stella again and i will fuck your fucking face up. You hear me." At this point franky had spitare against the wall and had punched her in the face. Miss miles started dragging her off when she shouted, "stell, stay with Bea okay? Ill be back soon." And stormesd off with miles. Doreen came over to me and took me to where they were sitting." Where is miles taking her." I asked."most likely to the slot. She fucked spitares face up. Ha, im suprised jodys still tryin to get in frankys pants." Boomer laughed." Boomer, what are you talking about." I questioned."oh, you havent heard? Franky use to go out with jody until she became phsyco and went to hospital for stabbing herself in the eye." Boomer once again laughed." Oh really. Why did franky have to go to the slot. She was only standing up for me."" This facility system is fucked." Maxine smiled." Oh ok, well im gonna go for a shower." I said." Do you want anyone to show you where it is?"bea asked."oh, no thanks ill find it." I smiled and walked away.

I eventually found them about 10 minutes later and walked in. It was empty so i put my stuff in one of the cubicle areas and turned the showers on.

A few minutes after i got dressed, 3 big,bulky looking old bags walked in." Aahhh, look who we have here ladies.... some new meat...."

Oh shit...i know who these women are...franky warned me not to go near them.......

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