Chapter 11

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Franky's POV

So.... i somehow got the courage to go to Chases funeral... once i had arrived we visited his coffin and then took our seats. I hadn't cried the first half of the funeral... i had cried those previous nights and my self harming got a lot worse... i eventually decided that i didn't want to be here... i attempted suicide... a lot... and i felt more alone in the world....

"Would anyone else like to say a few words before we say goodbye to chase." One of chases relatives said. I stood up seeing as no one else did. I didn't prepare anything but wanted to say a few words.

"Hey everyone. I'm Francesca. I was chases ex girlfriend/ best friend. I never once thought i would meet someone so truly amazing in my life. Chase honestly means a lot to me. We may have broken up b
ut that doesn't mean i stopped caring about him. I remember the day i met him like it was yesterday. I was in the worst mood. The cheerleaders at school wouldn't stop annoying me. But chase told me to ignore them,he wanted to be my friend out of all the other people like us he wanted to be my friend. But i wasn't very fond of having friends. I said to him; chase, friends just drop you once they're sick of you. They leave you like you were nothing to them. He told me to trust him and i did. I knew i could. He meant the world to me and now that he has gone, i finally realised how much i actually love him. But the day i found him... i realised he was my other half and when you lose something, you eventually find it but i lost my everything that day. I wont ever find all of it. Its like the saying: it takes time to heal. But it still leaves scars. Chase was truly amazing and i couldn't of asked for a better boyfriend. I wish i realised that before...before he..." i said before bursting into tears.

After the funeral i finally had decided that i was going to do it. I know i had attempted suicide before but this time i knew what to do. It was all going well before the man came. I was about to jump off the cliff when the man came up behind me and pulled me into this café. Luckily it was closed. "Hey, are you okay." The man asked. "Leave me alone. Cant you see.... i was going to finally end the pain I'm suffering. Just let me be." I said and walked back towards the cliff. "Ugh little girl you must come away from the cliff you might fall.""are you fucking stupid. I literally just said i wanted to fucking die and now you're treating me like a fucking 2 year old. You know what, fuck you." I said and grabbed the pot of boiling oil and threw it on his face. That was the most ear piercing scream i had heard.

A few weeks later. I was still alive and the man who tried to save me died in hospital and i was transferred to Wentworth prison. The person who was the manager of the cafe had called the police and they arrived with the ambulance and took the man to hospital. I didn't think the man would have been my saviour. And how you may ask? Well he saved me from dying and led me to meet Stella. And i forever am thankful the man saved me.

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