Chapter 16

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Stella's POV

There's something wrong with Franky.... she doesn't seem like herself, ever since she went into the slot.

"Stell, I'm just stopping off in the kitchen to get more milk, okay?" Bea smiled." Okay, but did you just come in from outside?" I asked." Yeah. Why?"" Was Franky out there?"" Yeah she's using the barbells."she said."" Have you noticed anything... about her that's different." I questioned." Yeah,well she does seem a bit off lately maybe you should talk to her." She smiled." Yeah maybe i said as she left...

I cant think right now... what should I do... I thought as I paced around my room... all of a sudden, an idea came to me." That's it!" I said aloud.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw Maxine sitting at our units usual seats alone." Hey Maxie." I smiled and sat next to her." Hey lovey." She smiled." Are you okay? You seem a little lonely, for being the top dogs sidekick and all," i asked. We sat for a few minutes in silence until she suddenly spoke.
" You know, i don't know if I'll be able to be her sidekick any longer..." she said, her voice breaking a bit." Why not Maxie? Everyone listens to you and Bea, and besides, you guys make an amazing team," i smiled." Almost as amazing as you and Franky." She smiled sadly." Bea is different. She's not the same anymore. I don't know why and she wont tell me. And also, Boomer misses Franky. She hates you for taking her away from her. I told her that Franky still loves her but she wont listen. She's gonna hurt you and there's nothing i can do to stop it.... Boomers a very powerful lady, if she loves someone but something's in the way, she will destroy the obstacle for love, if its the last thing she does. The only thing you can do is find Franky before Boomer finds you. GO!!!" Maxine yelled." Oh okay. "I shockingly said. I ran out into the courtyard and found boomer with juice and her boys."well, long time no see eh?" Juice smiled. I turned around and started to run back to my cell, i couldn't find Franky anywhere.
"Franky!!!" I yelled while running down the corridors." FRANKY!!!"... no reply.... I reached my the unit and no one seemed to be here. I looked in all the cells but no one was there. I walked into mine and sat down, tired from running. I really should have done P.E in class more.... I thought. "Well this is a bit forward." Juice laughed." Fuck off juice. Or you'll get your hands steamed." I growled.
" Aaww how cute. You really think my hands will be steamed. How funny." She said sarcastically. "FRANKY!!!" I yelled." Fuck up. No ones coming." She yelled "FRANKY!" I cried.

Losing hope is one of the worst feelings you could ever feel... oh,and fear. That one sucks too. I heard footsteps, I looked up, with tears in my eyes as juice and her boys came closer as i sat on the corner of the bed, scared out of my mind. And there she was, my saviour... Franky came to my rescue with a.... broomstick!?... she started fighting the boys and juice. Bea ran in with maxine... Maxie rushed over to me and sat next to me. She hugged me as i cried into her shoulder." Sshhh..." she said soothingly. Franky looked like she was about to kill someone, and i doubt she wont kill juice." Give me one good reason as to why i should not kill you?!" Franky yelled." U-Uh, because of p-parol, you'll be in here for life?.. then what would you have left...n-nothing." Juice said worriedly." Or because I said so." Bea said." What!? Were not just gonna let her go. This is the second time shes attacked her! We have to do something!" She cried. "Well, lets see what stella says. What should her punishment be stell?" She asked me." she wants to steam my hands... you cant let her decide!"juice yelled." Yes i can. I just did. Now listen to the girl you attempted to attack...twice! And shut the fuck up!" Bea yelled.

" Well, all i want is her to stay the hell away from me... and if shes seen near me, her hands get steamed instantly." I said." Okay.. done... you hear that juice? Its your lucky day. But if you are even seen staring at her you will be holding the steam pressers hand!" Bea said." And don't even fucking think about hurting anyone I love again!!! You hear me..." Franky yelled....

Wait.....did she just say she loved me.....

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