"Actually, I just assumed you needed some space." He held an amused expression which made me look down in embarrassment. Of course he still fucking loves me, I'm Kim Seokjin. "I thought I was doing you a favor but I was wrong." Namjoon paused and looked down at his food. "I'm always wrong nowadays."

"Joonie, don't say that..." I prodded quietly and made my way towards him. He looked up with a sad expression. At that I cupped his face in my hands and leaned closer, still speaking softly. "You just want what's best for the people you love. Your intentions are always good. I promise. And I love you so so much for that, I really do..."

"I don't deserve you." Namjoon whispered, he was vulnerable in this moment. I never thought I'd see a day where Namjoon was weak. I felt content, nonetheless. Content that I was the only one who could make him this way. It may be used against him but this gave me assurance that he still cared about me and he always will.

"No one deserves me, I'm a fucking God." I joked, well partially. That statement is basically true. Namjoon laughed gently before leaning closer and giving me a soft kiss. "Now that we've got that cleared up, I have a question."

"I wonder what it could be this time." Namjoon said facetiously before taking a sip of his drink. I did ask a lot of questions though so I see why he said that.

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