10; perfect music

Start from the beginning

Josh's P.O.V.

I sighed and sat at the edge of the bed before Jenna peeked her head in and said "Hey, where's Vi?"

I shrugged and said "She left, I guess. Don't know why..."

Jenna sighed and made a "pop" noise before leaving.

Tyler came in and said "Hey, man. Where's Vi?"

My anger sorta got the best and I shouted "Violet's somewhere, okay?!"

Tyler got a little freaked out by my words, and I took a breath and said "Sorry... I'm just..."

"Worried?" Tyler said.

I looked at him and said "It's not that... I've been reading the tweets, comments on Instagram... They're all horrible with the words aiming to Violet and the night..."

Tyler put his hand on me and said "They're just finding out... We can deal with it, okay?"

I looked at him and nodded.

He hugged me quickly before he said "Make sure she's good, okay?"


Tyler sighed and said "Off to bed then..."

"Mm hmm..." I said.

He left the room before I sat back down on the bed and waited for Vi to return.


I heard the front door open and I instantly got the message Vi was home.

Judging from how long I was waiting, I was just comfortable with the shorts I had on, and I blew my hair out of my face before seeing Violet coming to the room.

It looked like she was crying, and she looked at me before I said "Hey... Why'd you have to leave so quickly?"

Violet kept quiet and wiped her eyes with her hands before I hugged her and she started crying in my chest.

"Shhh.... it's okay, Vi," I comforted. "We can handle it..."

"You can... you should see what those people are saying about me..." Violet said getting out of my grip. "They're acting like I'm someone worthless or not even belonging at all to you guys..."

I got to meet her eyes before I said "You're not worthless... You belong here, and I don't care what happens... to us, to Tyler, to the band! You need to know that I care about you and just you as much as anyone else could."

Violet sniffed before I kissed her and she hugged me before I carried her and hugged her while she rested onto me standing.

"You should change so you could be comfortable sleeping..." I assured her.

Violet nodded and I gently put her on the bed before she wiped her eyes and nodded. She went over to her bag and took some clothes out before going in the bathroom and closing it.

I cleared my throat before seeing Tyler's face by my door.

"What are you doing here?" I mouthed.

"Hearing if she's okay... Jenna asked me," he whispered. "We'll all go hang out tomorrow, okay?"

"Not here. It'll look like people in public will humiliate her..." I said. "I don't want that for her."

Tyler sighed and said "We'll talk about it in the morning, okay?"

I nodded and he went back to his room before Violet opened the door with her pajamas on.

Violet's P.O.V.

I put my clothes by the dirty clothes pile with Josh's, and I moved my hair out of the way before seeing Josh locking eyes on mine.

"Whattie?" I said softly.

He smiled before looking down and back at me. "You're cute."

I smiled before wiping my nose with my hand and getting into bed.


At that moment, my voice opened and screamed a bit before I sat up and put my hands on my face...

"Vi! Vi, oh my god... You okay?" Josh said startled. "What's going on?"

I sighed and said "Sorry... I just had... a nightmare."

Josh kissed my cheek before I looked at him and he kissed me again and helped me down to bed and he hugged me before I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Who could ask for someone as caring as you?" I said.

"I don't know who..." Josh said. "But I know you're the special one."

I smiled and said "Goodnight..."

He put his hand on his chest with mine there and I closed my eyes before remembering the lyrics to Car Radio.

another part uploaded!! (4/5/17)

awwe, the affection for Josh and Violet ♥︎

story will get more tension later on guarantee 🦋


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