9; the concert

Depuis le début

Josh kissed my cheek before touching it and smiled at me. He went back to Tyler before I went to the little small bathroom by the makeup set.

I went in and locked it before doing my thing and washing my hands before leaving for like, a minute.


I was so eager, and had my little coat on.

Oh, this is what I wore:

Once out of the bathroom, I ran over by Josh and Tyler before they were gonna go on stage

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Once out of the bathroom, I ran over by Josh and Tyler before they were gonna go on stage.

"Hey!" Tyler said. "Where'd you get that coat?"

"Oh... I know a friend who's uncle lives in Korea that has these, and he sent it to me a while back before Onya made me get it," I said happily. "I love it."

"Cool. Josh, let's go!"

Josh adjusted his mask before looking at me before I waved.

He didn't take that as a bye, and kissed me before saying "There's gonna be a surprise during the middle or end..."

I looked concerned before he kissed me again and ran with his drumsticks in his hands with Tyler.

Jenna leaned on me and said "That's what you're going to face a little while... You're not going anywhere though..."

I looked at her and said "What...?"

Jenna pulled me by the little entrance curtain almost seeing the crowd.

Holy... Moly... This crowd was big as hell, and I've never seen so many fans to be all screaming.

That's when it started to go off with Fairly Local/Heavydirtysoul while Jenna squeezed me and shouted "Your man is out there!"

I smiled and said "Yep! How long is the concert going to be?"

Jenna looked at her phone and said "Probably end till about eleven."

My eyes got big before I said "A two hour show!?"

Jenna nodded and looked out the curtain to see the song going off with everybody screaming.


Oi, my ears were probably ringing with all the screams and the songs going so loudly. It must've been behind the place where the music is going off with all the crazy beats and whatnot.

After one song finished (I didn't know this one in particular), I heard Tyler's voice say "You guys enjoying the night!?"

The crowd went nuts by their screams, and I looked at Jenna who was smiling and taking photos.

"Well... There's been some current things happening with Josh right now, and it's pretty BIG!"

My heart was starting to pound before I heard the true words speak "Josh, go get the little surprise!"

I looked at Jenna before she said "Oooh! Tyler's getting you famous! I can tell by how much you're enjoying the night!"

I sighed and saw Josh running over by me before I said "No! Nononono! I don't want to go out there!"

Josh kissed me before picking me up and running me out by the little steps to go up the stage.

"Josh!" I screamed through the crowd. "Make it seem realistic! Not so rough! You're sweating!"

Josh let me down before I blew my hair out of my face and he said "Sorry..."

I still hugged him before he did so back, and Josh held my hand before leading me up the steps.

Josh's P.O.V.

The crowd started screaming while I felt Violet's hand grip harder. She was probably scared.

Tyler aimed at us and said "There he is! Everyone's going to be shocked!"

I sighed and walked Violet over to Tyler while I stayed by her before Tyler said "Josh, pull her hat to reveal this lady's face to New York!"

The crowd went wild before I slowly removed Violet's hat without her restricting anything, and her face shown to the world before she looked at me in shock with her mid paused assumption.

I laughed before Tyler said "EVERYONE! Please welcome, the new family member of this little get to know people... Violet!"

People were screaming while some were murmuring, and Violet looked around before looking down at her feet before Tyler said "People, come on! We got to get more excitement than that!"

That's when the right way to get people in shock was for me to prove Violet was a part of it.

Violet looked at my shoes before I gently had her look at me and I kissed her.

The spark sorta went overboard, and we kept kissing while Tyler stood there and started applauding.

People were mixed emotions with some cheers, quietness, and even "aww" along with it.

I let go of Violet before she looked at me and Tyler said "Violet is NOW obviously Josh's girlfriend. It should be obvious by now, right?"

Violet's P.O.V.

I had been scared to death with everyone looking, and I heard Josh say "Don't worry about them..."

I smiled and we kept looking at each other before we kissed again.

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