14: Goodbye

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14: Goodbye

I didn't say anything to anyone once dad explained what was going on - the Nekozawa family is dropping low and there needs to be another marriage. Since me and Nekozawa are around about the same age they fixed us together. But isn't that wrong? We're cousins. Dad said he had gotten hold of mum's number and phoned her telling her about the wedding - she said she wasn't sure if she wanted to face me after all these years but agreed to come along. 

I don't want to see mum. I don't want to get married. I don't want to leave to go to England to get married especially. That means leaving my friends - Hikaru, Honey, Mori, Kyouya - even Haruhi and Kaoru and especially.... Tamaki.

Running up the stairs I slammed my bedroom door shut and locked myself in. Laying on my bed I curled up into a ball and cried. 

I was going to have to say goodbye to everyone. I don't want to leave Japan. I can't leave the place I was raised up in. I was going to have to - me and Nekozawa were getting married there and having our honeymoon. 

How was I suppose to tell the Host Club without crying?

Back at Ouran Academy the first I told was Shiki - he was surprised and demanded that the wedding was stopped at once. I told him I was going to have to get married, for the family sake. It was that bad telling Shiki. 

Standing at the Host Club doors I place my hand on it and stared. I remember coming here to Music Room 3, I remember the rose petals which were chucked at me and how I had to hold onto the door frame to keep myself balance and the bunch of voices which said 'welcome'.

'I'm your faithful prince Tamaki!' Tamaki had told me while welcoming me to the host club.

Suddenly the door opened and it pushed me down to the floor making me sit on my butt in surprise looking up I see Hikaru standing there.

"What are you doing standing right in front of the door? You can just come in you know," He tells me raising an eyebrow at me.

I felt my self start to shake, my eyes were watering already. How was I even meant to say one word to him without crying?

"Jeez don't cry," Hikaru crouches down to me and pats my head "Did I hurt you?"

I shake my head wiping away my watery eyes "No. I have something to tell you guys, is Tamaki here?"

"No, he had to go and talk to his dad about something, want to tell the rest of us?" He asks and I nod and follow him inside once he helps me to my feet.

It would be easier if I told everyone else and let them tell him themselves, I couldn't face Tamaki.

I sit myself down I know Kyouya knows but he still sits quietly and lets me tell everyone else about what was going.

 "And I'm leaving for England today after school, my bags have been packed and in the car ready..." I finish.

"Y-You can't be getting married!" Honey demands hugging onto Usa-chan tightly "You just can't!"

"I have to..." I say with a frown upon my face "To save the family."

"But Tamaki likes you..." Honey mumbles but I am able to hear it.

Does Tamaki really like me?

"I like him to but sometimes people have to make sacrifices and this is the biggest sacrifice I have ever made in my entire life time, please, please, please do-don't make it ha-harder than it already  is-is," I say on the edge of tears streaming down my face and having a breakdown.

Nekozawa's Cousin, Erika (OHSHC) {OC x Tamaki Suoh}Where stories live. Discover now