6: Christmas Is On The Way

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6: Christmas Is On The Way

~Erika's P.O.V~

"IT'S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR." Tamaki sings loudly seeming to chuck tinsel pretty much everywhere possible.

"Eri-Chan!" Honey rushes over to me, wearing a Santa Claus hat.

"Hello Honey-Senpai." I smile lightly.

"Tama-Chan has decided to decorate the host club room for Christmas." Honey tells me.


"Oh Erika~~." The twins say in unison, they walk over to me seeming to hide something behind their backs. "Wear this~." The say and reveal a Santa woman outfit.


"That outfit... Doesn't look like it will keep Eri-Chan warm." Honey says in confusion.

"Erika won't be wearing that you fools." Kyouya towers over the twins, he gives of a deadly aura and adjusts his glasses.

"Aah!" The twins cry and hide behind me.

"Definitely!" Tamaki exclaims before bring a box of tinsel over to me "She'll be wearing tinsel instead!"

Tamaki grabs a piece of red with little pieces of gold and starts wrapping it around me.

Once he finishes wrapping me up in tinsel he sticks on the front a massive red bow and he gives me a grin.

"FABULOUS!!" He says and hugs me tightly.

Twins: V__V V__V

Honey starts laughing and Kyouya's bad aura seems to get even darker.

"Tamaki." Kyouya growls.

Tamaki turns to face Kyouya only to find a demon and Tamaki starts shrinking and manages to squeak out. "Eek."

Tamaki once again is sitting the so called 'emo corner', growing even more mushrooms.

"Stop this Tamaki-Senpai!" Haruhi demands.

Sitting there I hold Usa-Chan for Honey. Looking down to the pink, it eyes stare back at me for a long time and I sigh.


Looking up I see three guys with the most darkest blushes I have ever seen.

"We brought you a Christmas present!" The front on demands and holds out the present which is wrapped up in silver paper with mini Santa Claus's on.

"Thank you." I look up to them and they all look away hiding there faces and I tilt my head in confusion.

"Aren't you going to open it?" The twins suddenly appear behind me pointing at the wrapped up present in my hands.

"B-But it's not Christmas yet." I say.

"We don't mind!" The boys say to me at the same time and I look down to the present.


Looking at the nicely wrapped paper with my painted blue finger nails I yank off all the paper my heart beating the most tiniest bit faster because of all the excitement.

Once the paper is off it reveals a box, opening the box it shows a necklace with a small black cat at the end of it.

Taking it out of the box I hang it in front of my eyes to see it better and I look at the small cat and I feel a massive smile form all my face as I whisper "I love it."

"Kawaiiiiiiiiiiii~." the boys do a awkward dance with blushed faces. "We're so glad you like it Erika-Chan!".

"I GOT ERIKA AN EVEN BETTER PRESENT!" Tamaki mans with a small blush on his face as well "Something she'll never ever forget!!"

"Eh?" One of the boys raises an eyebrow "What is this 'even better' present of yours?"

"I just go and get it!" Tamaki yells before running off somewhere.

"We better get going Erika-Chan, we'll see you again soon." One of the boys say.

"Okay, thank you very much for my present." I nod my head to them with a small smile.

"I'll help you put it on." One of them says giving me a wink.


The boy takes the necklace from my hands and walks around me to stand behind me. He moves the necklace in front of my and clicks the chain together.

"There." He smiles placing his hands on my shoulders.

Twins: *A* *A* Erika-San... Why...?

"IMA BACK!!!" Tamaki yells holding a bunch of bags with wrapped up presents only to find me tidying it.

"Oh? Where is everyone?" He asks.

"Gone. Kyouya gave me the keys to lock up after I tidied..."

"I'll help." Tamaki puts down the bags.

"It's okay."



"You're wearing the necklace those boys gave you..."

"Oh. Yeah... Um..."

I don't know what I should do...


I turn to Tamaki and see him holding out a present towards me.

"This is for you." He tells me.

"I didn't get you anything..." I say feeling sad that I didn't think about it.

"Just open the present." He says looking at me.

I rip the paper and find a shoe box and I turn to Tamaki is looking at the present with a serious expression.

Looking to the box I lift up the lid only to find the most beautiful thing.

"I thought it makes you look even more like a princess." He winks.

A tiara. A real tiara. Well not real diamonds but you know!

"It's stunning." I gasp.

"H-Here," Tamaki takes the tiara and places it on my head. "FABULICIOUS!"

I smile brightly.

I hear crumpling and I turn my head to the door to see the figure of a person wearing the blue boy's uniform and short brown hair.

Haruhi Fujioka.

Nekozawa's Cousin, Erika (OHSHC) {OC x Tamaki Suoh}Where stories live. Discover now