9: What Shall I Do?

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9: What Shall I Do?

It's not long until we arrive back at the apartment, once carrying Hikaru inside with the help of Tamaki. Setting Hikaru on the armchair it isn't long until I grab the first aid box bringing it back to Tamaki and Hikaru.

"I can't believe you got into another fight with Kaoru." Tamaki shakes his head while wiping away the dried up blood which was underneath Hikaru's nose and the corner of his mouth making Hikaru grimace in pain. 

"Another?" I ask in surprise.

"We got in a stupid fight once about something Haruhi said." Hikaru doesn't look at me when he tells me this.

Frowning I sit beside Hikaru and grab his right hand which is slightly bruised.

"You've liked Haruhi all this time and yet when I told you about Kaoru and Haruhi at New Years you seemed so calm..." I whisper and I know Hikaru hears because he turns to me with a frown "Sorry."

I feel the tears falling and it hurts. 

"Erika..." Tamaki looks at me sadly.

"Sorry." I cry out and cover my face and I know they are both staring at me.

It has been a week since I haven't returned back to being a hostess at the host club and I wonder if everything has been sorted out now between everyone. 

"Nekozawa Erika!" The teacher yells out to me and it makes me jump and my leg hits the table hard "Listen! Read Act 2, Prologue!" 

"Yes!" I demand and stand up grabbing the book which lays in front of me and I have to turn a couple of pages before reading out loud,


Now old desire doth in his deathbed lie, And young affection gapes to be his heir. That fair for which love groaned for and would die With tender Juliet matched, is now not fair. Now Romeo is beloved and loves again, Alike bewitchèd by the charm of looks, But to his foe supposed he must complain, And she steal love’s sweet bait from fearful hooks. Being held a foe, he may not have access To breathe such vows as lovers use to swear. And she as much in love, her means much less To meet her new beloved anywhere. But passion lends them power, time means, to meet, Tempering extremities with extreme sweet."  

"Very good, thank you Erika-San, your out loud reading is getting better." The teacher says before letting me sit back down in my seat again.

Shiki puts a note on my desk and I look across at him and he doesn't look at me.

He's blushing...

He glances at me before pointing at me and then the note.

Picking up the note I unfold it and look at his handwriting,

I have something to tell you, you got away last time before I could tell you, I know your a hostess at The Host Club, when are you free?

Picking up my pen I reply to Shiki: I'm not a hostess anymore, free whenever, lunch?

Shiki looks over to me and nods once and I smile.

Kicking the small rocks across the ground with my foot, I wait for Shiki to appear to tell me what he has been meaning to say for a couple of days. I kick a rock as far as I can and I watch it hit against a tree.


Turning around I see Shiki standing there drenched in water, I feel my smile I showed sink down. 

"What happened?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

He laughs before flipping his hair up to show his eyes "Some guys thinking it was funny to make me drenched in water with the water from the fountain. Don't worry about it, I've been wanting to get something off my back for ages."

"But we need to get you dry! You'll be sick..." I say before turning back towards the building and start taking the first steps.

"Erika!" Shiki yells grabbing hold of my wrist tightly "I like you!"

The rain starts pouring down in buckets. I straighten myself up slightly and turn around slowly to Shiki.

"Like... As in... Friends, or... Uh..." 

Oh no, I'm losing my speech.

"Erika, I want to go out with you, that's what I mean." He looks at me.

I open my mouth to reply but no words don't come out and I feel myself complete paralyzed. 

He means like, girlfriend and boyfriend. What do I say? What can I say? Can I even speak at all?!


The voice doesn't belong to Shiki, instead it belongs to Tamaki who grabs hold of my other wrists and yanks me away from Shiki.

"Let's get you out of here!" Tamaki yells through the storm forcing me to run with him leaving Shiki behind without an answer.

I don't know what to do anymore...

 "Here." Tamaki says chucking me a towel while drying his own hair.

I start drying my hair quickly as possible with my back turned to him, we aren't in the host club room happily.

 "Who was that guy?" 

"A boy from my class..." I say in a whisper drying my hair faster.

"What were you too doing out there alone in the pouring rain with him holding onto you like that...?" Tamaki spins me around and grips my shoulders looking at where my eyes are.

"I... He wanted to tell me something and he did," I shrug.

"A confession?"

"W-why doe-does it m-m-matter?" I ask my voice starting to shake on me.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing....... I didn't reply."


"I don't want to go out with him... because we are friends." I say.

Tamaki sighs and sits on the sofa "Thank god."

What does that mean??

Does Tamaki l-like me as well?

Nekozawa's Cousin, Erika (OHSHC) {OC x Tamaki Suoh}Where stories live. Discover now