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I know this is a finished book but I would like to Thank you guys for almost 6.5K I remember when I first punished this book and I set "high" goals. It was 1k in like 2 years. But we are at 6.39K in less then 2 years and Top for Kingdom Keepers on Wattpad. Like this in unbelievable. My very first post was November 6th 2015 and I didn't think any would vote. But I got votes and comments and I would like to thank those very first people because you got me to keep going. BUT I WOULD TO THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! You made this happen if it wasn't for you guys I don't think I would be who I am today so thank you.THANK YOU!!!!!!
I don't think you guys know how thankful I am for all of you guys. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! 😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘

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