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This is right before Amanda and Jess go to Willa's to pick for Secret Santa. this will only be in Jess's POV.

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight not a footprint to be seen a kingdom of,"I sung until Amanda interrupted me.
"Jess,FINN JUST ASKED ME OUT on a DATE on Christmas Eve!"Amanda exclaimed.
"That's great Amanda;I am happy for you,"I said.
"We need to leave to get to Willa's party now even though it's in an hour and a half. We need to go if we want to go to Chick-Fila beforehand,"Amanda said.
"To the Chick-Fila we go,"I said.
************************time gap*******************************
"RED!!!" Philby shouted.
"CAT!!!" I shouted just a second after.(they are playing this really fun game called ANOMIA you guys should get it. It when if your shape on you card match an other players then you have to say what's on the other persons card. Jess card said a color and Philby's said a 3 letter word. Then you get the card if you where first who ever gets the most cards wins.)
We played ANOMIA until the cards where gone. I think I did pretty well. Of course you don't know until you count.
"3",Maybeck said.
"7",Amanda said.
"11,"Willa said.
"10,"Charlene said.
"14",Finn said.
"22",Philby said.
"I have 24"I said.
"Bey guys I have to go. Aunt Jelly wants me back to work at the shop."Mayback said.
I think it was because he lost all the different games(even at ,mad Libs😂😂😂😂) and we where playing for 2 and1/2 hours. He is a dork.So Maydork left and we where talking for like 5 minutes then Finn left. Then ten minutes later Amanda and I had to leave.
"Hey Jess who did you get for Secret Santa? I got Mayback," Amanda said.
"Sorry Amanda but I don't ant to tell you,"I said.(I have Philby )

*********************************time gap******************************
What to get Philby? Let me just look around in the mall for something to get him. I was walking to the mall and I ended up running in to Willa. I was looking around at the stores and saw a Star Wars blanket that was of Frozen Han Solo. I should also get some thing for Amanda. Ummm I still have time. Willa told me that we should meet at the food court and have lunch together at Chick-Fila.
"Hey Wills did you have a secsful time shopping?"I asked.
"Yeah I got something for my secret Santa and for Philby because Philby asked me out,"Willa said.
"What did you get for Philby?"I asked hopping I didn't get the same thing as her.
" I got him season 1-8 of physic," Willa replied.
Willa soon got a text from her mom saying she need to go back to her house because her relatives where coming to town. I finger out what I was getting Amanda so I went to Chick-Fila and bought her a ten dollar gift card. I also got her and an emoji pillow (😜)
*****************************time gap**********************************
So it's Christmas Eve and Finn asked me to come over to his house to make sure everything was perfect for Amanda. Which it was. But what ever. But didn't leave in time so Amanda was there and Finn didn't want her to know that I came. So I ran upstairs and hanged out with Finn's little sister Isabella. We watched Signed sealed deliver(really amazing movie go watch it). Man was that movie great. I ended up now sneaking out and heading bake to Miss. Nash's house.
******************************time gap*****************
It's Christmas!!!!!!!!
"Merry Christmas Jess!!!"Amanda said has she gave me my gift.
"Thanks,"I replied. It was a ten dollar gift card to Chick-Fila and Nutella.
"Merry Christmas Amanda and a Happy new year!!"I said in a sing song voice.
"Thank you so much Jess," she said.
We just stayed in our P-J's the inter today and Miss. Nash made all of us watch Frozen.

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