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Hey guys I know I said I would do this on Monday the 21st of last year sorry but it's better late then never. Guys well this might be a downer but there will be a repeating thing thought out most of the one shots they are going to be a Secret Santa for the keepers and it will be in all the one shots so yeah.So it will just be like a min story inside this story.Guys just a heads up on each part it will start on the 18th and end on the 24th so yeah. But then I am going to post a different one just for the Secret Santa.

***********************************Willa's POV************************
"🎶I am dreaming of a white Christmas just like the ones I used to know I dreaming of a White Christmas,"I sang before the doorbell interrupted me.
I had invited the Kingdom Keeepers to my house so we could pick name for Secret Santa. (Secret Santa is when you pick some ones name from a hat or something like that and it can't be your own name and for the couples they can't have the other part of there couples and Jess can't get Amanda an Amanda can't get Jess then you get them something)
"Good morning Wills,"Jess said and Amanda arrived.(that who was at the door)
"Good morning Amanda and Jess please help you self to the home made cookies I made they are on the counter,"I replied
"These are really good Willa,"Amanda said right before the door bell ringed again this time it was Philby followed by Finn.
"Ok,so now we only need Maydork and Charlene(Charbeck),"Finn pointed out but right when he said that the two of them walked in.
"Sorry,we are late,"Charlene said.
"It's fine, now we can pick for Secret Santa to the basement we go,"I said.
Every one hurried down the stairs I stayed back to get the names and some cookies.Every pulled a name;I ended up getting Charlene.
"Guys the gift has to be under $15 or $15 trust me I will know if it's over,"I said
"Who wants to play Christmas Mad Libs,"Maybeck suggested.
Everyone agreed so after playing Christmas Mad Libs and other things for like 2 1/2 hours people started to leave.Maydork first then Finn then Amanda and Jess then Charlene that leafed me and Philby together.(Willby)

********************************Philby's POV **********************************
Ok so it's just me and Willa left at her house and I am really temped to ask her out.Yeah that's what am going to do I am going to ask Willa out.
"Hey, Willa will you do me the honors of going out with me Friday night," I said even though I was so nervous.
"Sure I would love too,"Willa replied.

***********************************Willa's POV********************************
Philby just asked me out and I couldn't be more excited. Now I guess I have to figure out what I need to get Philby for Christmas.
2 day time gap
"Bey mom,"I said to my mom as I left to go shopping for my secret Santa and Philby.
I started to head to the mall to get Charlene a really cute phone case and a nail polish set. While I was walking to the mall I ended up running into Jess.
"Where are you going Wills,"Jess asked me as I approached her.
"I am just heading to the mall. Where are you going?" I said.
" I am going to the mall to get something for my secret Santa.How about you why are you going to the mall?" Jess asked me.
"Same reason,"I said.
Me and Jess walked to mall together by when we got the mall we went our septet ways but said we would meet at the food court when we where done shopping. What to get Philby? What to get Philby? I thought to myself. Ummmm I know he is really in to mystery things. I went in to the movie store and found the perfect thing for him. I went Five-blow and got Charlene a nail polish set. Now for the phone case I saw this really cute panda phone case which is amazing because that is Charlene's favorite animal I also got her a 3 pack of cupcake and candy cane Chapstick.
**********************************Philby's POV***********************
I need to get something for Willa and my Secret Santa. So I went to the book store to something for Willa. I saw these 2 Disney books(A Whole New Wold and Frozen Heart) I know she would just love. I saw so found what I was getting my secret Santa there(An Effie Tower blanket). Then I went to the movie store to get Willa season 1,2,3,and 4 of Once Upon a Time. I also have a plan to get what she really wants and what she been dreaming for.
*****************************TIME GAP and Willa's POV*********************
So it is Christmas Eve and Philby said that we are going to have and picnic and said that I Had to bring and sweatshirt. I don't know why we said that its 87 degrees out but I brought one just in case. So I finished packing up the Nutella brownies I mad for the picnic and grasped my blue volleyball sweatshirt and Philby's present. When I got there I saw Philby had set up the picnic was not set up but the things for the picnic was there but I didn't see Philby there. Then out off no where I stared to feel cold so I put on my sweatshirt. Then I saw white thing in the sky then saw Philby come out from behind a tree.
"I knew you were dreaming of a white Christmas so I gave you a white Christmas Eve. I hope you like it,"Philby said.
"I like it love it Philby.This is amazing thank you,"I said still surprised he got me snow.(Philby is magic)
After we talked and eat some food it was time for me to give Philby my present to him.
"Now it's time for me to me to give you your present,"I said.
"I love it Wills thank you so much,"Philby said in his professor Philby voice.(It was season 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,and 8 of Psyche and Psyche the musical (it's a murder mystery show)
"Now it's your turn Willa for me to give my gift to you,"Philby said awwww he is so nice.
So I opened the gift and saw that it was seasons 1,2,3,and 4 of Once Upon a Time and 3 books called, A Whole New World, Frozen heart,and Once Upon a Time(a book of fairy tales) and a winter blanket with snow flakes on them.
"Thank you so much Philby I love them,I said.
Then me and Philby just sat there eating some brownies and enjoying each other's company.

I am sooooooooo sorry that I didn't update sooner but with volleyball swim team school the snow and with The holidays the time just flew by soooo sorry.

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