Star Wars

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Ok so in Disney after dark (book one) Philby and Finn where talking to Wayan about Maybeck being stuck in SBS this is what Philby said."Well listen Obi-Wan why don't you teen my and Luke here where to find him and we will make for Hyperspace" so that me thinking if Kingdom Keeper was someone is Star Wars who will they be this is what I came up with this has nothing to do with romantic thing just saying.
Walt Disney is Yoda- because Walt taught Wayne and Yoda taught Obi-Wan
Wayne is Obi-Wan -because he taught Luke
Finn is Luke -because I think Luke is the leader in Star Wars
Amanda is Ray -because she is a force user and Amanda's power remains me of the force
Philby is C3PO-because they and both Britain and are know it all
Jess is BB8-Best friend of Ray and helps get people out of sticking situations
Charlene is Chewy- best friend of Han Solo and when you see who Han Solo is you will get it and Chewy can rip some one arm out and Charlene would do that
Maybeck is the one the onlyHan Solo- need I say more but I will any way so cocky at first but you know how that is
Willa is Princess Leia- so they both won't let a man save them and can save them self but they still find love also if you read Magis213 story which you should do Finn AmD Willa are twins so works out perfect.
Overtakers time
Chang Rob is the Emperor
Maleficent is Darth Vader
Tia Dalmatia and Judge Doom are both Jar -Jar Bink
OTK are stormtroopers

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