Secret Satna

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This will be only in Willa's POV and No I am not doing this because she is my favorite why would you think that. This will only be on December 27th.
I got the house all set up now I am just waiting for my Snickerdoodle cookies to come out of the oven. Beep(the oven). So I got the cookies out to let them cool off because I am giving to keepers some for Christmas. After the cooled off I put 7 cookies in 6 bags. Ring(the doorbell)
"Good Afternoon Wills," Philby said when he came in.
"Good Afternoon Philby and Merry Christmas," I said.
Every one arrived and we went downstairs where we are going to do the gift Exchange.
"Okay so I will give my gift to who I have for Secret Santa then that person after they unwrap it they will give to who they have and it will go in a circle and if we do this right I will be the last person to get a gift,"I said.
"What if the person I have haves me then what happens,"Maybeck asked.
"Then some else goes that hasn't gone," I replied.
"Ok so here you go Charlene I hope you like it,"I said.
Charlene unwrapped her gift which was a panda phone case and a nail polish set and a 3 set of candy cane and cake batter Chapstick.
"Thanks Wills and I had Jess. So here you go,"Charlene said.
Jess then unwrapped her gift which was Karate Kid 1 and 2.
"Thank you Charlene. Here you go umm Philby," Jess stated.
Philby then unwrapped a frozen Han Solo blanket. So cool I want that I thought to my self.
"Jess thank you I actually had the other Fairlie, you guessed it Amanda,"Philby said.
Then Amanda unwrapped an Eiffel Tower blanket from Philby.
"Thanks Philby. I got the one the only Maydork,"Amanda said in a sing song voice.
The Maydork unwrapped his gift which was a book of Mad Libs(😂) which was the diva kind and a shirt that says I am a dork. Good pick Amanda.
"Urr thanks. But I got Finn,"Maybeck said.
The Finn unwrapped his gift which was a toy story shirt.
"Thanks Maydork I got umm oh yeah Willa,"Finn said.
Then Finn gave me my gift which was a Han Solo cup and a Little Mermaid shirt.
"Thank you Finn. And looksThat looks like that's everybody," I said.
So then I gave everyone their cookies.
"Thanks,"Finn said.
"Thank you,"Charlene said.
"Thanks so much,"Jess said.
"Thanks Wills,"Philby said.
"Thanks,"Maybeck said.
"Thank you,"Amanda said.
So then we played a game called Quelf(Magis213 ) (it's really fun)
Amanda ended up winning and guess who was in last.😶 If you guessed me you are wrong it was Maydork.
"So umm anybody want to watch Santa Clause is Coming to Town," Maybeck said because I think he is sick of losing.
"I will watch it with you,"Charlene said.
"I am good with that,"Finn and Amanda said at the same time.
"Awwww Finmanda and yeah I am good with watching that,"I said and by the way Finmanda is my OTP💖😍💖. Me and Philby would but I don't think you can be in you OTP.
"Yeah, I will watch it," Philby said.He is so cute.
"I will,"Jess said.
So after the movie we played truth or dare.
"Maydork,Truth or dare?"Finn said.
"Truth,"Maybeck said.
"You are no fun. How long have you and Charlene been dating?"
"Ummm next question,"Maydork said.
"Fine. It is been 3weeks 4 days 15 hours 16 minutes and 2 seconds," Maybeck said and surprise us all even Charlene.
"Jess truth or dare,"Maybeck said.
"Dare,"Jess said.
"I dare you to,.................."He whispered that last part.
So after we played true or dare is was like 5pm.
"Who wants pizza?" I asked.
"The real question is who dose not want pizza?"Philby said.
So then a order pizza and some breed sticks and some cinnamon rolls. So after we ate we watched Signed Sealed delivered the movie it gave every one the feels.
"So who is up for a sleepover?"I asked.
"Umm me and Jess can't because of the stupid Ms. Nash,"Amanda replied.
So after Amanda and Jess left we played Clue.
"I am going to say it's Ms. White in the Kitchen with the Ax. Can anyone prove me wrong?" Philby asked.
"No,"Maybeck said.
"Nope," Charlene said.
"Let me see no I can't,"Finn said.
"I can't,"I said.
"Okay just making sure. I am getting to use this card saying move anywhere and I am going to the pool," Philby said.
"I am going to say it's Ms. White in the Kitchen with the ax,"Philby says as he pulls out the cards that say Ms. White, Kitchen, and ax.
"You won again really,"Maydork said but to be fair he did win 3 times already.
So then we watched Frozen and me and Philby sang Love is an open door together.
Then we fell asleep at 2:30am and woke up at 10am.So then everyone left. So then I stared to read the new book Philby gave me call a Whole New World and I fell a sleep reading that but Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Hi guys so yeah but the picture up top I took. It was when I was reading The Insider (book 7) I was going to see my brother and I was reading it while drinking Hot cocoa with cinnamon and with a Mickey Mouse blanket.

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