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*Clears throat to imitate Joanne the Scammer* First off, I will not allow you to be confused from this point on. I refuse to let it happen! Honestly! Truly!

*Regular voice* I must say that there will be two chapter 24's and they are almost an exact replica of each other. Only difference is the title hence it having the phrase "alternate ending" in it. I made two so you could have a choice to skip the first one and go with this to be completely done with the book or you just want to see what the hell is going through my mind at 3:30 in the damn morning! 😣

First timers, you get a choice: the blue pill or the red pill

Veterans, marvel at the evil world this author has built in the dark corners of her mind.

Either way, I hope you guys enjoy it! ❤

I'll write for you soon


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