Chapter 8

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Simply perfection.
Hell, it doesn't matter what she wears; she looks beautiful.
She is beautiful.

She will look better in our house...

Steps. Steps need to be taken.

Not every cripple's dream come true, do they...

He chose to ignore that scathing remark. There she goes...

Pushing herself up from crouching low to retrieve a jar, she placed it in her cart and began to traverse the aisles again. Today is grocery shopping day and he is excited for it. This is one of the few ways he gets to see her naturally without the work environment and even there they rarely bump heads given that they work in different departments an it's very rare for them to work together. No matter, his other methods of seeing her is just fine.  She ambled across the isle, eyes scanning interchangeably between her list and the orderly stacked shelves making sure she gets exactly what she is looking for. It's cute how she could literally spend hours comparing the different brands of the same product until she she is satisfied with her final decision.

You know what else was cute? Breaking that delivery guy's neck like we said we would....

His mood completely soured thinking about what forced him back in to that situation.


He went back to that same flower shop to thank the florist for helping him pick out the flowers and delivering them in time but as soon he entered these exact words entered his ears: "That woman was gorgeous; I couldn't stop staring. Whoever the bastard is - I tell ya Ed - he's a lucky one." And laughs erupted in the small shop. It chilled his blood so bad that he left immediately without them realizing he was in there and waited... waited until the guy's shift was over and followed him to an alleyway he probably frequents to get home quicker. As soon as it was dark enough, he tapped him on the shoulder making him turn around and punched him right in the face knocking him out cold. He grabbed the lapels of his jacket and dragged him deeper into the dark then propped him up against a brick wall next to a mountain of garbage bags.

He found a half full bottle of liquid, opened it and poured it on top of the guy's head instantly bringing him out of his unconscious state. The man flailed violently so he punched him in the stomach hard temporarily incapacitating him then wrapped one hand at the back of his head and the other on his chin. "Let this be your last thought: she's mine, not yours." Then the satisfying snap and crunch of the spinal cord and bone punctured the silent air like biting into a hard candy before going quiet again. He stood straight, dusted off his shirt and walked away like all he did was take a piss.


You enjoyed it and you know it...

Couldn't dispute that. It's been a long time since he's killed anything but back then his expertise were animals and they were meaningless. It was his first time killing a human and his extensive knowledge on the human body helped drastically. Not to mention, he had a purpose. Coming back to the present and quickly realized he couldn't see Athena instantly inciting panic. He searched three isles before finding her in the fourth one and visibly relaxed. He must have exhaled really loud because all eyes instantly went on him - well, except for for one pair. Without looking, he grabbed the closest thing possible, "they have the brand I was looking for."

It was silent for a while before a woman spoke up, probably to break the awkwardness, "that's nice. Your wife is lucky to have you."

With a look of confusion on his face, he checked his hand. In it was a box of tampons. He played it off, "somebody notices. I'll tell her you said so." A smile pasted itself onto his face when he really wants to rip limbs from bodies. Then he walked away.

You should have done it...

We lost Athena again. He really wasn't in the mood to banter. Doing another walkthrough, he spotted her at checkout. Placing the tampons on some random shelf, he sprinted out the supermarket. An opportunity has presented itself and he won't let it slip through. He parked close enough to entrance weighing his chances and it looks like someone is smiling down on him today. Getting into his car, he stalked the exit. When she finally emerged, he started started the engine and quickly in front of her cutting her off mid-stride with her cart. Time to put on a show. He jumped out of his car. "Holy - I'm so sorry. I didn't see you."

She huffed before regaining her composure, "it's okay. Everything still looks intact plus my soul hasn't transcended anywhere so we're good."

"Those are a lot bags; do you need a lift? Reparation for almost running you over."



I'll write for you soon _(:3」∠)_


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