"Look, Mr.Kim Seokjin. I was dying for attention and love that I had once felt before, and suddenly all of those disappeared in a split of second. Were you even aware of the moment where I was depressed because I was missing you, and how you made me feel? No, you were not!" she screamed at his face, and his expression changed immediately.

He didn't know she was depressed, his heart sunk in after hearing that, because he never wanted the love of his life to feel that way. Now, the guilt had fully taken over himself. He couldn't protect her, and what was worst was, he did not protect her.

"Y-you were depressed?"
"Yes, I was! Yes, I was, Kim Seokjin! And you know who were there when I was down?" she asked, anger was clear in her voice.

Seokjin didn't want to say who it could be, even though he knew what the answer was.

"Yoo Minseok," She answered.

"B-but everything has changed now, am I right? I'm here for you, now. You're no longer depressed, you're happy, I saw you smiling just now," Seokjin smiled in his tears, grabbing her hands but she ditched away immediately.

"I was smiling, but not because of you," said Sojung coldly, and it hurt Seokjin's pride and feelings.

Seokjin tried to hold his tears back, even though he was crying already, but still, he held it back because he didn't want to have a breakdown moment in front of her.

He gathered all of his strength and ego back, building himself up and ask one last question, which will determine their relationship.

"I have a question for you, this would be the last one," he asked, after wiping his tears with the back of his hand.

"If you want to continue our relationship, hug me. If you don't, leave, and don't ever show up in front of me, ever again," he said, trying to look as calm as possible even though he was hell anxious if she would choose the second option.

She stared at him with sad eyes before saying, "I'm sorry,"

She didn't even hesitate to turn to her back and walked over to the elevator, pressing the down button, and the door opened in front of her immediately.

She walked in to the elevator, without turning back.

Seokjin who was holding back his tears, can no longer stop himself, before burst out crying as hard as he could.

"Is this the end of us?" he thought to himself.


The members were talking, and refreshing the moments of them performing on stage for the first time amongst themselves in the waiting room.

"Wait a minute, where's Jin hyung?" Jimin suddenly asked, and all of them turned their heads to him before someone knocked on the door and walked in to the room with a big smile on his face.

"Oh? Aren't you Yoo Jongwon's son?" Bang Sihyuk PD-nim asked the young, handsome and tall guy who suddenly walked in to the room.

"Yes, I am. Hello, I'm Yoo Minseok," he bowed down to the members, as well as the staffs, their manager and PD-nim.

Bang PD-nim shook his hand before introducing him to the members. "Guys, this is Yoo Minseok, Yoo Jongwon's only son. His father is the president of Source Music," he said, and Minseok gave him a friendly smile.

He read the name tags one by one, and counted the members from one to six, before realising something was not right. "I thought there were seven members in this group. Where's the other person?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Jin hyung went to the toilet, I think," Namjoon answered, and he nodded in understatement.

Bang PD-nim asked him to have a sit next to him, he couldn't believe his eyes that his best friend's son was a grown up man now. He was so young and small when he met him for the first time 24 years ago.

"So, what are you doing now?" Bang PD-nim asked, since the last time he met him was way back when he was still in high school. So, he would like to know what he was doing in life now that he had became an adult.

"I'm studying business administrations in Konkuk University now. Life's been pretty great," he giggled. His giggle sounded so dreamy, which had left Taehyung in awe.

"Woah, that guy is so charming," he whispered to Jimin. "Yeah, almost like me. Maybe I'm a little bit more charming than he is," he smiled until his eyes disappeared but it left Taehyung's lips to frown, showing how disgusted he was by his statement.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and a tall girl with long dark brunette hair, walked in to the room like she was rushing.

The members thought she must had walked in to the wrong room, but they were wrong when Minseok suddenly stood up and greeted her.

"Hey Sojung, where have you been?" he asked her.

Namjoon thought her face looked familiar, he must had seen her face somewhere but he wasn't sure where.

While Taehyung and Jimin had heard the name Sojung before, they looked at each other coincidentally when they heard the name, with their eyebrows frowned.

"Hyung," Jungkook whispered to Taehyung and Jimin's direction, who were sitting next to each other at the end of the couch.

They turned their heads to Jungkook. "Isn't Sojung, Seokjin hyung's girlfriend's name?" he whispered, and both Taehyung and Jimin's eyes widen, before slapping each other's hands out of excitement when they finally remembered how and when did they heard the name before.

"Yes, yes, you're right!" Taehyung whispered back.

What's Minseok and Sojung's relationship? He thought to himself.

Minseok had his hand wrapping around Sojung's back, before introducing her to Bang PD-nim.

"Uncle, this is my girlfriend, Kim Sojung. She's a trainee in dad's company," he said, while having his eyes on Sojung.

"Girlfriend?!" Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook said at the same time, as they accidentally said it louder than what they had in their mind.

Minseok turned his head to them, and they started to feel small and nervous. "N-nothing, we just thought that your girlfriend is a beautiful woman! W-wow, you're very lucky," Jimin chuckled nervously and Minseok thanked him before giggling.

As Bang PD-nim and him were talking amongst themselves, Yoongi who was sitting by the door while looking at his phone was startled when the door was suddenly pushed open.

"Jin hyung, where did you go?" Hoseok asked upon his appearance.

"My friends came to check out on how I was doing," he pasted a fake smile on. His expression seemed calm, nobody would expect he had just finished crying his heart out a few minutes ago.

He bowed down to everyone in the room, before joining the rest of the members sitting on the couch, enjoying their meals.

He wasn't aware of Bang PD-nim being in the room, but when he did, he immediately stood up and bowed down to him, and his guests.

He was startled, and in shock, when he saw Sojung sitting next to Minseok, with his hand was placed on her thigh.

Out of all places, why do you have to be in here? With him?


hdcjdkdd i cant help but update this chap because i thought i needed to add something and its 1:30 am pls excuse if theres any mistakes rip i have school tomorrow goodbye! dont forget to vote comment and sharee :)

p.s: Listen to Reappearance OST PART 26 after reading this chap and u will cri

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