Chapter 22

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*Five weeks later*

Aria POV

I rearranged the flowers in the vase in Zayn's mansion. I take regular visits here, while he goes to the studio. I make sure everything is perfect and in the right spot and clean. The main reason I come here is because it's the perfect place to break down. And relax. I glided to the backyard and flung open the doors like the princesses do in movies. I plopped down under the shade and listened to the trinkle of the miny waterfall.

My thoughts wandered, mainly to how the sun reflected off the naked greek metal statue and then to the leaves of the tree I rested underneath. And then I thought about Zayn. He'd been very busy since we returned from Spain. Our interaction became minimal. I had forgiven him yes....but we just didn't talk much. I could tell that he disliked me for my behavior towards him. There was a pinging pain in my chest whenever I saw him. 

Which was every day. We no longer slept in the same room in the apartment. It became way too awkward for that.
I locked the doors of his house and made my way to my car. I drove down to the Versace office and picked up the dresses that I had modeled in. 

And then I went straight to meet the director of Mamma Mia!. I was chosen for the voice over, as Imran had told me previously, and the voice sessions started on Monday. Today was Thursday.

I was walking outside of the office when a group of 13 shrieking girls ran towards me. I froze, stumbled backwards and plastered a smile on my face. They each wanted a photo with me, and a group photo. Turns out....they were fans of me. Not of One Direction. I guess it was only then I looked up and saw my poster on the huge building of M.A.C. right across the street. I had given that photo shoot only a few weeks before Zayn had reentered into my life.  It wasn't only me in the photo, but with Cara.

She was in the foreground. And again reentered the aching throb in my chest. I suffer from low-esteem.

They left me standing in front of the office, and I made my way towards my car. Finally arriving to our flat, I entered the lift and entered our flat soon after. Zayn's shoes were in the doorway. He was home. I was eager to see him. My spirits lifted just knowing that he was in the room. I felt a smile creeping up onto my face but I immediately banished it.

He was sitting on the couch. He looked up upon my arrival and smiled, "Hey, how was your day?"

"Nice. And yours?"


I kicked off my boots and put my keys and purse into the bowl. I made my way to the couch and watched the movie, "Mrs. and Mr. Smith" with him. It was during the ultimate couple fight that resulted in heated sex that Zayn leaned over me to grab the remote from the side table near me when my hormones took over and I pushed him back on the couch and kissed him.

I could taste the surprise on his lips as I fitted with them. His hands wrapped around my waist and held on to me while our mouths melted into one. I crawled so I was sitting on him, straddling him. He smiled in the kiss, which made me smile too. And then we broke for air.

Then settled upon me, what I had done. And my smile was once again absent from my face.

"Aria?" Zayn said breathless.


"What was that?"

"I don't know."

"You have a boyfriend"

"I also have a fiancé." And here I am convincing myself and him I had a reason to kiss him.

"But you have a boyfriend whom you love, and a fiancée whom you are stuck with."

"I...I chose to be here"

"You could've been anywhere you wanted to be right now"


"Why are you here? On my lap. And..kissing me. Your hands around my shoulder?"

"'re not only just a fiancé whom I'm stuck with. You know"

"So you care about how I feel. And you pity me. Because I love you. And you don't love me? And so you kiss me, to make me happy?"

"Zayn, I don't pity you. I didn't kiss you to make you happy. I kissed you because..."



"Gosh Aria. You're so indecisive. Do you love me or do you not?!" He said, pushing me off his lap and onto the couch. He stood up and waited for 
my answer.

Do I love him?

Do I love him?

Of course I do.

I also like Imran.

Imran is light hearted and fun. And romantic and wonderful.

Zayn is fun and smart and sweet and romantic and wonderful and everything in between.

But I can use the same adjectives for Imran.

But maybe I'm just in love with the idea of Imran.

*Flashback to 3 nights ago*

I laughed as I was pushed onto his bed playfully. Imran loomed upon me with his obnoxious grin plastered on his face. He pressed a small kiss on my nose and my cheeks turned an awful tomato red. 

My smile became shier by the second and his gaze deepened up to a point where I was transfixed and could not move. He propped himself on his elbow besides me and I looked at him from where I lay. 

He pressed his hand against my cheek and kissed my lips. This wasn't the first time he had kissed me. Over the previous 3 weeks, Imran and I had spent a considerable amount of time with each other. 

But this time was different. It was filled with lust. From both ends. A kind of passion I had not felt before. But I did not know whether I should be feeling this. It felt wrong, but so good. Like a tug in my gut. An...attraction. I held on to his face with both my hands and I turned on my shoulder so we both faced each other, easing our make out position. Soon after I found myself on top of him, smiling again. 

I was wearing a dress. With spaghetti straps. And Imran's hands carefully slid them both off. My hands roamed under his shirt, as I lowered myself down to lay ontop of him. It was then his hands found the zip of my dress, and he gingerly zipped it open. 

I tensed, but his constant kisses on my ear comforted me. Sex is inevitable. Seeing another in the nude between a grown couple...just as inevitable. He finished unzipping, and carefully pushed me up so he could get the top part of my dress off me. I reduced the work for him, and got up and let the dress collect at my feet. 

The air hit my bra and undie clad body and I was suddenly very conscious. He got up and pulled me so I stood in-between his legs. "You, Aria Jones, are an angel in disguise." I smiled, but was vaguely aware how I loved the way Zayn said "Aria Mahie Jones". 

I tugged at his tshirt and he smiled and pulled it off. He got up and I unbuckled his pants and let him pull them down. 

We got under the covers after that. I honestly did not know where this would lead to. But we lay on top of each other kissing for a while. Then his hand pressed against my breast and I gasped. He bit my lip in the kiss and continued. (A/N. I. Don't. Do. Sex. Scenes. But. I'm. Trying. For. Ya'll.) 

I closed my eyes, and let him continue feeling me. But as much as I tried to feel like I was his and this was allowed, the more tensed I got. I had a fiancé. I had feelings for two men. Sex, Aria. Not sex. This is crazy. No it's not. You're old enough. Stop thinking. 

My eyes shot open when he unbuckled my bra and I fell off the bed in the hustle. My hands upon my chest as I stood up and shook my head. 

"I can't." I gasped. 

He looked at me, strangely, as if he knew that I doubted my own feelings.

"It's okay. Aria, don't leave" 

My hands went back to clasp my bra and then I lay besides him again. We lay on our sides, my back to his chest and he slowly fell asleep. 

I didn't. 

I couldn't. 

"Zayn, I love you."


"Zayn, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. You wanted me to say it, and I mean it and I'm saying it. I love you. I'm the girl for you Zayn Malik. I love you. I love you."

He looked at me, his eyes penetrating through me. He shook his head and looked at the ground, "I can't keep getting hurt. It affects everything I do. You have no comprehension of how much I love you Aria...none. You won't leave Imran. You're too kind hearted to do that. So take it back. You don't love me..."

He turned away and walked towards the guest bedroom and shut the door behind him.

Holy fuck. 

Okay so....maybe you've realized my work has begun to suck. I think it's because I lack interest towards this story now. I want to make something new. Jazzy. Different. Ya know? I don't want the regular love story. There will be one last chapter....
If anyone is interested in making a sequel tell me. I'm not going to. You can add a whole hella lot to this story. 
Uh my"Directionerness" has obviously died down. There'll come a time for everyone. But this is my time. I don't like this...but I can't even properly fangirl anymore. Idk what's going on. SO yeah. 2 chapters? Maybe one more. Idk. But....the end is near. xP Bye! Ciao! 

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