Chap 3

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This is Aria's outfit....

"So... about...the marriage" Zayn started, not removing his eyes from the road. Doesn't look people in the eyes. Tsk Tsk...Wait..he was driving..Okay so it made sense. Nevermind. (I was trying to find faults.:P)

"Our parents are crazy" I said.

"Yep, that they are"

"You. Me...& getting along?!..You never told them about...erm... " I started..not knowing how to phrase my question.

"Nope, I reckon you didn't either." he said, getting what I meant to say.

"No, Now I wish I did. I wouldn't of had to marry you."

"Most would die to be in your place" he smirked.

"They don't know the real you"

"Neither do you"

" So you are saying you've changed?"

He sighed. "I guess you could say that. But my feelings for you haven't changed"

"I don't expect them to, mine haven't either." I interrupt.

"And my feelings, influence my behavior" he continued.

"So you'll still be a dickhead. Great. "

"Don't call me a dickhead. Have some respect. I haven't said anything rude to you yet"

"Why? I thought your feelings toward me haven't changed. If you were the same Zayn, we would've been wrestling!"

"What's your freaking point?" he sneered. Check. Unfortunately I was on the losing side.

" Maybe both of us have changed?" I whisper.

"Perhaps...., now shut up, I don't want to think and drive"

"The streets are freaking empty ,smartass!!"

"Yeah, but I could lose focus..erm..and crash into a tree."

"Sure, whatever" I scoffed. I couldn't control myself and I started laughing at his dumb response, earning annoyed glances from Zayn. Crash into a tree! Really?! IDIOTIC MORONNNNNN!

We turned into a familiar neighborhood, our own. Tall and big mansions surrounded us on either side. I remember the days when I walked alone from school. I remember the days I ran home crying. I remember the painful memories of sitting on the bathroom floor with a razor and a guilty conscience. All these memories came flashing back to me. Coincidently, the cause of all the loneliness...was sitting right beside me. And now, I would have to marry him. After he left for X factor, I finally got to come back up to the surface for some air and now I was being pulled back under. Karma's a bi***. Destiny was playing with me. What have I ever done to them to deserve such a fate.  I seriously don't know how I was going to cope with this marriage. 

Zayn pulled up into my house driveway and turned off the car. I've got this habit, of just sitting in the car after the ride ends, so that's what I ended up doing while Zayn got out. He looked at me expectedly from outside. I realized what I was doing, and quickly scrambled out of the car, with my backpack. I've embarrassed myself way too much today. I've got to pull myself together. I walked up to my house door, with Zayn on my heels and I rang the doorbell.

My father opened it. He looked at me and then at Zayn. I knew what he was thinking. They left separately and came back together? Ah. My dad smiled at both of us, and then let us in. I walked inside the house. I expected to hear Zayn's footsteps behind me, but I didn't. I turned around at the same time the door closed. My dad looked up and said, "He went home, his family is already there, and apparently the rest of his band mates are coming over day after tomorrow, where did both of you go?"

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