Chapter 6

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Chap 6
Aria's PoV
I couldn't sleep at all last night. My thoughts kept me awake. It's like I was back in High School. Zayn on my mind 24x7. Kinda. I managed to pack 4 boxes of my stuff..and it still was only 5:00 am. I pranced around my room and looked in the mirror.

I didn't look Muslim. I didn't look Indian or Pakistani. And it's probably because I'm half British. I had dark circles around my because of my lack of sleep, and my lips were chapped. I should probably take a shower.
I ran inside the shower, after stripping off my clothes. I ran my hand on my thigh. I could feel the scars of the cuts. Weird. My cuts, had formed a deformed heart on my thigh. The heart was about the size of a fist. I had never realized it until now. I finished my shower and wrapped my fluffy towel around me. I didn't feel like wearing any clothes, so I just put on underclothes and a robe.

Body lotion, nail painting, and 4 boxes later, and stumbling upon a huge high school memory box later, the bell rang. I glanced at the time, 7:29. Nobody is going to get up. I sighed as I rocketed down the stairs, not wanting the person outside to wait too long. That's just the way I was. I opened the door swiftly, and there stood Zayn Malik.
He was wearing sports clothes, and he looked amazing. I can't help but saying that. Zayn seriously was gorgeous. He wasn't facing me, but when I took a step back he turned around. His eyes widened when he saw me, only in a robe and he quickly looked down to his feet. I awkwardly stepped behind the door so he could only see my cherry red face. "Yes Zayn?"

"I'm figuring you didn't get much sleep"

I shifted behind the door, "No, I didn't. You too?"

He nodded, "I wanted to go out for a run, and I wanted company, you up?"
He was inviting me to jog with him? Why was he being so nice?

"Why me?" I said, not able to control that thought from bursting out.

" Do you really want to know? Okay, you are easy to talk to, and we've got stuff to sort out. I'm trying to be as understanding and responsible and caring as possible. To make up for what I did yesterday, so can you just get your butt up there and change and join me for the jog...and maybe coffee?!"

Woah. Stuff to sort out..over a lovely cup of coffee...okay then. I nodded, "5 minutes."
I closed the door, not letting him in, and ran up and changed into ( ) and let my hair out into a ponytail. I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone. I left a note on the kitchen counter and took my wallet and put it in the secret pockets of my pants.
I stepped out into the chilly morning air and Zayn was there, looking precious and humming along to a song. His eyes raked my body, before smiling at me and then stepping out of the porch of my house and on the sidewalk. I followed him and put my earplugs into my ears. Awkwardly, both of us started jogging.

 It felt good, the weather, the exercise, the wind in my hair. We were both jogging at the same pace and listening to our music. Our heartbeats and breathes becoming faster the closer we got to Starbucks.

Slowly, Zayn started going faster than me. I increased my speed too. He looked at me, teasingly and ran faster. Oh it's on like Donkey Kong! I caught up until he sped up. My music was giving a good background. Aha.  I laughed as I sprinted past him. His footsteps became louder and I could hear him laughing. I laughed too. He caught up and breathlessly he said, "Last one there pays for the coffee". Before I could respond he was off. Fishhhh! I ran as fast as I could until I was right behind his back. He looked behind him for a split second and stuck out his tongue. I couldn't stop the smile from creeping up on my face. I was about to jump on his back when.....

AhhhhH!!!!!!!!! Some random guy with a camera popped out of the bushes and started flashing his camera in front of me, completely blocking the path between Zayn and I. I was running so fast that when I tried to avoid him I twisted my ankle and went flying head first onto the streetlight pole and sliding on to the road. I heard the roar of a truck and I opened my eyes to see a truck speeding towards me. I rolled towards the curb just in time and it passed me. Holy! Omg near death experience I need air.

The bloody guy was still taking pictures and Zayn, who wasn't able to stop running on time was sprinting at a frightening speed at the paparazzi. 

"YOU DUMBASSHOLE!" He rammed into the pap, sending the camera flying and the guy on the ground..with Zayn on top.
"YOU NEARLY KILLED HER! OMG I WILL SUE YOU! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU SHE ALMOST DIED. HOW COULD YOU OMFG!!!! OMFG!!! DAMN YOU!!" Zayn screamed in his face. Zayn's eyes were a darker brown. The veins were popping out of his neck and forehead. I knew that look. He was about to knock the life out of the guy. It was when Zayn was lifting up his fist when I realized I should stop him.

"ZAYN!" I screamed from the side of the curb. The pain in my ankle was unbearable and I couldn't get up properly and my head hurt a lot...I'll be fine. I hope. I calmed myself down, "Leave him". Zayn looked at me like "You nuts?!" but I just shook my head. He lowered his fist and pulled the paparazzi up by his shirt. The poor man looked scared out of his wits. Zayn took the paps name tag and gave it a long stare, he then pushed then man towards me and growled ,"Apologize to her, NOW!"
"Fine! Fine, Sorry" the pap said, obviously angry that his 30 year self got beaten up by a 20 year old.

I just nodded, and the poor pap picked up his broken camera and ran away. Leaving me with Zayn. And an awkward situation. He walked towards me and tried to help me to my feet. I winced and looked at my ankle. It looked normal, but felt terrible. He allowed me to lean on him as we walked the remaining way to Starbucks, silently. He helped me sit down on one of the chairs outside the cafe.
"Thank You Zayn....I'm sorry." I said.

He smiled, and then frowned, "Why are you sorry?"

"For the trouble"

"Rubbish, You got here first, what do you want?" He said, smiling shyly.

"You got here first!! Silly, I'm paying!!" I argued.

" You like French Roast right? I know you do. And no, you almost got killed because of me, and I will not let a lady pay." He said walking into the cafe. I could swear I heard him say, "especially to one I've caused so much pain to". And how'd he know I love French Roast Coffee? What a day. 

I looked inside from the glass doors and saw how tall and muscular he was from behind. His calfs, his arms, his neck, his tattooed arms. I laughed when the cashier started to flirt with him. He smiled back, took our drinks and sat across from me.
"She's cute. And into you." I smiled. He chuckled and took a sip from his drink.

"I've arranged to someone already"

"Oh really?! How is she?" I teased.

"She's sly, a fast runner, she's feisty, she is a gorgeous model, she's a little mean...but I try to stand it. We are still sorting our past out, I guess. 
We argue a bit, but she's changed. I found out that she cared for me back when I hurt her...and I want forgiveness. And I have to earn it. And she has to earn mine I guess? And I'm still trying to figure her out. And it's funny, I heard you are engaged too! How is he?!"

Sly guy.

"Well, first of all his is extremely good looking" WHAT DID I JUST SAY NO WAY. A smile slid onto his face. "Erm...he is famous, and from what I've heard and seen in his music videos, he has an amazing voice. He is..very caring I guess....and mysterious. He still needs to learn how to dance though, I hear he is getting better. And we need to sort out our past as well. And, I still don't understand the reasons behind his actions. But he's changed too. Maybe we might just get along" I said blushing and laughing. He smiled and then laughed too.

"Did I mention that my future wife has the most contagious laugh? And the cutest dimples, and the pinkest blush?" he said winking.

We both calmed down and after a while he looked up at me, "You have changed....but I still hate you"

"I hate you too" I cooed, as if I were saying I love you.

He chuckled and gave me a hand so we could continue drinking our drinks while walking home.

He put and arm around my waist so I could walk properly.
"So how was the near death experience?"

"I didn't see my life flash really..not what I expected it would be" I confessed.

He laughed. His laugh was so ....perfect. Why did the man I hate have to be so irresistible?

"How's the band?" I asked him, curious about his work.

"Amazing, Amazing, Amazing, or as the fans say...Amazayn"

I scoffed and he nudged me.

"Seriously, I love it. The first time I was going to try out for Xfactor..I couldn't do it. I was way too shy. Not comfortable. After a year..a life changing year I tried out again. I made it to the stage, and got in...all because a little bee told me that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. I wouldn't be here without her. "

I gasped when I realized that little bee was me. "Really?!"

He nodded, "Sadly, now I owe you..big time"

I laughed, and then he started to laugh too. Me and my contagious laugh. We finished our drinks, and he steadied me, and ran to a trash can and 
threw them away. He ran back with a silly half- smile. But instead of walking by my side, he scooped my up bridal style and started to walk.
"Zayn Jawaad Malik! Put me down at once!! No hands on me. I repeat, do not touch me." I screeched.

"If I let you walk..we would be there in 30 minutes. It's better if me and my beautiful legs take you home. Aha. Take you home. Take me home. Get it?" HUH?!
"No, I don't get it...and I don't appreciate you carrying me, but I'd rather not walk so thank you. But it's your fault I got hurt."

I shouldn't of said that. Zayn's face fell. "I'm Sorry..I didn't mean to."

"No it's okay...I'm more sad that you don't know the name of our album..Take me home"

"Oh. Oops? I couldn't bring myself to listen to your voice."

"Will you listen to it now?"

" I don't know. Perhaps?"

"Yeah...I've seen you on the billboards on NY times Square. Burberry, Chanel. Wow."

I smiled, but it disappeared when I realized his shirt was sweaty. "Ew, ZAYN. you are sweaty!!"

"Glad for you to notice"

All of a sudden I felt myself fall. Not too far thankfully. I fell onto the swing outside the Malik's house. We were already home.
"Thanks Zayn"

He nodded and sat next to me, "Glad you came?"

"Very..learnt a lot of things..and I almost died..and I really-" A thought suddenly snapped to my head. I have to meet my modeling partner today. At 10. "Is today the 19th?" Zayn's eyes widened.

Suddenly the door of the Malik house opened. Yaser stepped out and took the newspaper, and nearly jumped out of his shorts when he saw both of us.

 "Zayn! Aria. Zayn!!! Aren't the boys coming today? Go get cleaned up!! Louis and Eleanor called...they've got stuff to do..and they'll come after lunch. The rest are coming soon. Aria, your mum's called thrice..the last time was when she found your note. And your manager called to remind you. So you should get going too. You guys will probably meet later. Can't keep you two away. Trisha is going to flip when she finds out both of you are getting along. Why are you guys looking at me like I'm a Zombie?” he finished, breathless.

We both exchanged glances and started laughing. I sat straight and wiggled my broken foot. Huh? It barely hurt anymore. I slowly got up and managed to go down the stairs without pain. I heard Zayn mutter from behind me, "Some girl got a free ride today."

 I turned around and winked. He waved goodbye and mouthed thanks before disappearing after his father and closing the door. Sigh. What a morning. I took out my phone. It was 8:03. Time for me to get ready. Because first impression is the last.

--------(am explanation to mum and a short bath later)------

I wore this ( ) and sat on the couch in my room. Cher has texted me 5 times and it was 9. I'd be there on time. Geez. I looked at the high school memory box. I wanted to open it. But then the bad memories of Zayn would resurface. 
And I was quite satisfied with the new memories. Maybe both of us will get along. We were adults now. But the urge to open it up, and go through every painful memory to hate Zayn even more was surging through me. I wanted to hate him. I did. But not as much as earlier.

Not now..see it later, I reminded myself. Let some happiness linger.

I decided to talk to Josh and I walked into his room. He was turning under his sheets on his bed when I walked in. And when I purposely made a noise he froze. I sat next to him on the bed and I stifled a laugh when he pretended to be sound asleep. That idiot. "Josh, Cara is here" He got up in one second flat, flinging the sheets beside him "WHERE!"

It was only then I realized he was naked. "AHHHHHHH!" I screamed jumping of the bed and landing on the floor. Josh casually covered himself up, like he was used to girls seeing him like this. "Sorry, most girls would be privileged." he explained.

"I'm your bloody sister!!" I shouted, trying to erase the image from my head.

"I almost forgot you were a virgin. Right?" he said, laughing.

"Yes, and proud." I said through gritted teeth.

"Anyways. Oh YEAH! Zayn..and you. Why'd you agree?"

"Didn't you want me to?"

"I want you happy Ri." he said.

" He deserves a chance"

"Marriage...Is a big chance. Do you like him?"

"No. No way. No. I will never like him. Honestly Josh, do you think the past will just magically disappear. No. I will never like him"

" Well, you guys were getting along fine earlier"

"Yeah after he kissed me and slapped me!"


"He apologized though, don't get angry"

"You are taking his side."

"No I'm not" I said, knowing I was.

"YES" he argued.

"Bye, I'll talk to you later." I said, and with that, I left the room and ran down the stairs and got into my car.
(10 minutes later)

I was standing in the lobby of the modeling site looking for Cher, my manager. She told me she'll meet me here with the new model. I heard her peppy voice from behind me and my eyes widened when I saw who was standing there. She was so pretty. Wow. She looked so innocent. Not Cher..the new girl. I had seen her before. Where?

Cher came out of nowhere and smiled and slid her arm around my waist. "Aria Jones...Meet Eleanor Calder. Eleanor, meet Aria."

I extended my hand and I was pulled into a hug. "Hey, Call me Ele."

"Call me Aria? aha" I said, she was so easy to like. I knew we were going to be friends. Actually, that depended on how she treated the staff, like I said. She didn't seem like a rude person. But we will see.

My eyes widened when I saw who came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around Ele. Louis Tomlinson?! That means......*gulp*....this was going to be awkward. Has Zayn told him yet? Shoot!

"Hey, I'm Louis"

"I'm A-Aria" I said, mentally cursing myself for stuttering.

He chuckled. Cher clapped her hands, "Okay. Enough Dilly Dally! Let's get you into your rooms so we can discuss upcoming projects. kk?"

" Let's see what death costumes we will be in this time. Can't wait!" I exclaimed with fake enthusiasm, making "Elounor" chuckle as they entwined their hands with each other. Aww. They were so cute. I wish I could have a relationship like that, but all plans of one were ruined. 

Louis slung his free arm around my shoulder ,"I like you already. Could you come over to the place we're staying for a while after this?" he asked. "OOH! Aria, girl you have to come and meet the rest of the boys. You seem like a Zayn kind of girl. Both of you'll click!...OOH I can already see Zaria!!"

I nearly choked on air. "I'll see, I might have plans"

It's funny how they barely know me. And act like we are long lost friends.
OMG. What a mess.

We spent the rest of the morning discussing upcoming projects, mainly a shoot with teen Vogue. No Burberry or Chanel this time, but Alexander McQueen instead. Exciting stuff. I loved being a model. Louis and Eleanor were amazing people and we all got along well. Really well. I felt as if I knew them for ages already.

 I just hope they don't hate me when they find out that Zayn is my future hubby. The 3 of us went to a small restaurant and sat down at a corner side table. We chatted about random nothings until the waitress came ,"What can I do for you guys today?"

"Get our orders?" I said under my breath. Eleanor heard me and giggled.

The waitress looked confused and then corrected herself, " Ah I meant, What can I get for you guys today. Sorry, I saw Eleanor and got a bit 
flustered. Big Fan!"

Eleanor and Louis looked at her nicely and then ordered. I settled for smoked salmon and coke. Eleanor for a Chicken salad. And Louis for a bowl of spaghetti. And their drinks.

"So Louis, how's the band going. Publicity? Rumors?"

Louis looked up from his plate, "Haters have been giving Zayn a terrible time. Calling him a terrorist. The poor guys tries to stay strong but it eats at him. You are Muslim too?"

"Yeah" I replied. Poor Zayn. I'm glad he wasn't smoking. But remembering how hard it was to make myself stop cutting, I realized how much I've snatched away from Zayn, and how hard it must be for him.

"Ele. How is it being Louis's girlfriend?"

She snickered, "In bed? Well..."

"NO! I meant..gosh you know what I meant!" I said. Elounor chuckled and entwined their hands from across the table. Aww. I asked the question to see what would be in store for Zayn's girlfriend.

"I get a lot of hate...and a lot of love. It's crazy."

"Did it affect your career?" I wondered. I wanted to get where I wanted to be without the publicity of being Zayn's girlfriend.

"A bit. Why?" she asked.

"Nothing." I picked at my food after that.

"Well bye girly. We'll call you later. We are going to meet the boys now" Louis smiled.

" I'll be seeing more of you" Eleanor said. She has no idea.

I said my farewells and left to see where I had parked my car. I got in and started to drive home when a song started to play on the radio.

Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss

And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this,
I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl
And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world

Truly, madly, deeply, I am

Foolishly, completely falling
And somehow you caved all my walls in
So baby, say you'll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you
In love with you

It was beautiful, and surprisingly I didn't flinch when they said the song was by One Direction. They've really got amazing voices. I was nervous about meeting the remaining 3.
I parked in the driveway and then I looked at the rearview mirror. Ele and Louis! They were sitting on the swing talking. I nearly forgot they were staying here. Why weren't they going inside? How am I supposed to go inside? I kept on...spying...until Louis pulled Ele into a kiss. Time to roll. I jumped out of the car, locked it and ran inside my house. Whew.

I checked my phone in my room.

Ana- Zayn Malik. Jesus Christ. I'm calling you at 9.
I had a message from an unknown person too.

-It's Zayn. got ur no. frum Doniya. Wanna meet the boys tonight? I'll call u l8r. boyz wondering how hot u r. i told them btw..about arrangd marriage. cya idiot wifey ;)-

Okay then. I guess I'll be seeing Louis and Eleanor a lot sooner than I thought. 

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