Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to A certain Bradford Boy ♥♥

Okay so this chapter is quite interesting. And confusing. Just try and make sense of all the notes later. One after another. Kay? They are really important!!!! Um, I hope you like this fanfiction. :D Do you guys ship Zaria. Or were they never meant to be??? ^.^ Next chapter is going to be very interesting. My summer has started. Which means I'm really busy. I'm going to London this summer too. So I'll try to update as frequently as possible. enjoy!!!

Chapter 7
Zayn POV

"Okay, so I'm getting married. In a year." I said, as calmly as I could to the four people sitting on the couch in front of me. Danielle, Liam, 
Niall, and Harry.

Harry spoke up after 1 minute of silence, "We know, Simon told us. Why...and everything".

Niall smiled, "Good on you. How is she? You are okay with it right?"

"She fit?!!" Harry screamed. Danielle hit him with a pillow and looked at me ," Do you get along well? What is her name?"

And then Liam showered me with questions before I could even speak, " Is she rude? Is she like Perrie? Is she going to mistreat you or use you for publicity? Is she rude? Does she like you? Do you know her from before? How is she? When did you meet her? Is she Muslim too? What does she do? Zayn, is she good for you?Is-"

"JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!" I yelled. All of them shut themselves up and looked at me expectantly.

"Her name is Aria Jones. I've known her since we were 10. She lives across the street. Family Friends. She's a model. She is Muslim. She is gorgeous. You guys will probably get along, I don't know. She won't use me for publicity, she is already a supermodel, I think. Yeah. I've agreed to marry her, so I guess that means I'm okay with it." I said, running my hand through my hair.

"The only thing you didn't answer is about your relationship with her and how she is." Liam said, his expression hard to read.

"She is....she is easy to talk to. She's got a contagious laugh, an adorable blush, cute dimples" I started, interrupted by Harry oo-ing.

"I'm not going to say anything else, okay?!" I said. I didn't want to reveal the past to all of them. Niall complained about his hunger and Harry, Niall and Danielle went to the kitchen, leaving me alone with Liam.

"Spill." he ordered.

I took a deep breath and completely revealed everything to my best friend. "We haven't had the best history really. her in High School. I dated her best friend and then broke her heart, I also made life miserable for her. When she finally blew, I lost my popularity. But I got it back, because of her. And Aria and I still continued to say rude things to each other. She told my parents about me smoking. And that was something I trusted her with. But yesterday I found out she did it because she cared for me. And today, we had a good time at starbucks. She has changed and stuff. But I don't know how I feel about her. It's all one big mess. The past and the future."

Liam just looked at me for a while, his expression unreadable, "Let us see how she is. Yeah mate?". With that he left into the kitchen. I nodded to myself and whipped out my phone. I texted Aria about a meeting with the boys and then I slid my phone back into my pocket and my mind drifted back to the morning. It was so weird. Aria and I were acting as if we were best friends from the past, not enemies. It just didn't feel right.

That, or it felt perfect. I didn't feel that much hatred for her as before. Especially since we both revealed how we felt about each other. I recalled her words...

-----"Well, first of all his is extremely good looking. Erm...he is famous, and from what I've heard and seen in his music videos, he has an amazing voice. He is..very caring I guess....and mysterious. He still needs to learn how to dance though, I hear he is getting better. And we need to sort out our past as well. And, I still don't understand the reasons behind his actions. But he's changed too. Maybe we might just get along"----

Maybe we might just get along.

I don't understand the reasons behind his actions.


Did I want to get along? Yeah. I wanted to become at least friends before I questioned the past. Friends with her. It's funny how only yesterday I wanted to kill her, and then after spending a morning with her, I was debating on whether I should play it nice or be revengeful, and rude.

The reasons behind my actions. There are many reasons behind why I bullied her.

Changed. She has too. It's times like this when I need a smoke. But I've promised to stop. For the fans, for my family. BUT I NEED ONE. NO ZAYN. Don't. Life begins at the end of your-

Suddenly, the bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I opened the door to see a cherry faced Eleanor and a cheeky looking Louis. What have they been up too?!

Aria POV


I got up without thinking and opened the box. The cigarette box, the valentine's day note, the photo album, the razor blades, the notes sent in class, Jessica's bracelet, the stained Beatles shirt, crumpled up notebook papers onto which I wrote down my feelings, the torn Math Olympiad acceptance letter, the diaries which were under my bed; memories. It was like opening the door to a room flooded with water, and then having the water surge right over you, and before you knew it you were drowning.

I picked up the razor blades. I remembered the endless nights, writhing in pain, because of the itching desire to cut myself again. And the nights when I told myself to stop.

The notes sent in class:

Eww, Zayn, look how ugly Aria is from behind -Lizzy
What did I even do to you? -Aria

She is a complete loser. Why doesn't she just go kill herself? Right Zayn? -Tara

Zayn sits on the other side of the classroom, you blind? -Aria

Ignore them -Jess
I'm trying -Aria

Don't cry! Imma gonna beat the punk outta them later -Ana

Don't hurt anyone Ana..I'll deal with it -Aria

You look good with gum in your hair -Zayn
Please Stop -Aria

Can you do my homework today? I've got stuff to do!  -James

Sure :D -Aria   (She liked him remember)

I'm boredddd :P -Carriee
We all are :O yawn -Aria

Erm. This note was meant for Zayn. I guess my aim was off. Sorry. Can you pass this to him?-Carrie

K :) -Aria

Zayn asked you out! OMG. Please don't let him hurt you! -Aria
He is a good guy, trust me. He just act really weird with his friends -Jess

You know what he has done to me Jess, Please be careful -Aria

He's changed, I don't think he will trouble you anymore. I always am careful -Jess

He will always trouble me -__- Best of luck <3 -Aria.
He is a different person underneath. When he is around you he brings out another side..I have no idea why. Give him a chance. -Jess
I've given him plenty... he starts it -_-....anyways -Ana

Why are you such a nerd? He made us clap for you. You don't even deserve a place in this world. -Zayn

No, it's you who doesn't deserve a my life. Just leave me alone -Aria

WTF?! You reminded him we had the project submission today?! You dimwit! -Zayn
He has been reminding us every class..He was going to say it anyway -Aria

HEY. Party at my house. Evry1 is invited except Aria. She can watch from her window.- Zayn

LOL -Lizzy
I wouldn't come anyway -Aria
You bastard! You've been dating Jessica for popularity?! It was a dare?! She really liked you. You are going to get it. Trust me. -Aria
You've got it wrong. I like her too. Even if it is a dare. Don't tell her! Who told u anyway -Zayn

You idiot. You lied to her! You like her?! WHAT RUBBISH. YOU DROOL OVER LIZZY WHEN JESS ISN'T THERE. I am going to kill you zayn. i told you tht u wud face consequences if jess got hurt becuz of u. Now you've done it. Dead meat. i've bottled up all the hate i have for you zayn. If I were you. I'd sleep with one eye open. -Aria
Gee, can't wait ;). I don't drool over anyone. I like Jessica okay?! She understands me. -Zayn

You LIKE her? She loves you -Aria

Well, I like her. And I never wanted to break her heart. Tell her I'm sorry -Zayn

What am I your messenger? Say it to her face -Aria
Fine, loser -Zayn

I just want to take your face and carve it with a swiss knife and tear it up and feed it to your dog -_- Aria

Are you sure you won't kiss it first? ;) -Zayn

The nerve of you to say that whn you broke Jess's heart. Fuck you! -Aria
Using big girl words are we? -Zayn

You don't know me. I'm going to unleash fury. Be ready, Malik -Aria

Muah haha Kay. Let's see what you can do.-Zayn
She almost killed herself? -Zayn

Honestly, since when were you so rude? -Zayn

I could've been rude the first time you said something to me. I've been too nice. Don't expect any more of that -Aria.
Look what you've done. Nobody even talks to me now. Aria, you are going to get it. -Zayn
It's your fault! -Aria

You really want to fight over this?! -Zayn
I can't believe you! -Zayn
You got your popularity back Zayn. Happy?! -Aria

Thanks I guess. I can't believe you though. You pushed me on stage. You know how shy I am. -Zayn

You aren't shy when it comes to bullying and making fun of me -__- -Aria

Eh -Zayn
Eh. WARZRDTFVYIHNUOIJ! I'm going to kill you! -Aria

Oh go to your boyfriend. Wait, you don't have don't even have a friend. -Zayn

Back to square one are we? -Aria
Can we talk again on the hill. I've got stuff to say -Zayn
Fine. You didn't smoke today right? -Aria

1  :( -Zayn
You're going in one direction. Down. Stop. And you'll go the other way. -Aria  (A/N hehe)

Fine ttyl. Mrs. Greounch woke up on the wrong side of the bed. -Zayn
There were many more after that. More paper arguments . Betrayal notes. Threats. It hurt, reading over them. It's like I was sitting in the same exact spot. Getting hurt, reliving the moments. The anger towards the perfectly chiseled guy the world adores resurfaced.

I opened the Valentine's day note from Zayn - BTW You look pretty when you're angry. And it's in all the things and other things that make you who you are and your eyes irresistible. My piece of baloney, Zayn.

Gosh he was so stupid.

Aha. I won't forget that day would I? As soon as I read the letter Lizzy came up to me and told me that Zayn didn't mean to send it to me. 
She snatched it from me, tore it up, and chucked it in the bin. But now I wonder if he really meant it. HE WAS JUST SO HARD TO READ OMFG!

I looked through the rest of the box. I basically relived every moment in high school. I shouldn't of opened up the box. I was just getting re-pissed at Zayn and at every high school memory. I don't know how I'll be able to face him and his friends tonight. I was in a terrible mood and I would probably get into a fight with Zayn. A big one, now that the negative feelings were back in. No, I won't be able to meet them today.

Thinking about his band....will they accept me? I guess Louis and Eleanor have accepted me as Aria. But if I was introduced to the rest of the boys and their girlfriends as Zayn's wife, then would they act the same way around me as they would with me, as Aria? Will they like me? Did Zayn tell them about all I've done in the past? Good or Bad? Will they hate me because of that? Oh my....

I've got an idea. I scrambled to find my phone and I quickly dialed Zayn's number.

"Yello?" a masculine voice that didn't belong to Zayn on the other end said.

"Erm, hello, is Zayn there?" I questioned.

"Erm, yeah I'll call him, who is this?" he asked, nicely.

"Aria. Aria J-Jones" I stammered. Darn it. It was probably a band member.

"Oh. Oh. Yeah. Wait a second." he ordered, not as nicely as before.

I knew it. They all hate Zayn's Will they hate Aria? WhdlglkASJ.

"Hey Aria" Zayn said. All of a sudden a blast of hatred erupted inside of me. Zayn Malik, the tormentor.

I hate YOU.

"Hi" I whispered, trying to hide the hate in my voice.

"You okay?"

"Yeah...nothing's wrong"

"Okay....why'd you call?"

"I can't come to meet them today"

"Why? We were planning to go out for dinner" he said.

"I just feel that you and your friends should bond and have fun. You haven't seen each other in a while." I said, trying to make him believe 

"What's up? I know this voice. You're hiding something." he spoke.


"Are you alone?"

"Just a second.....................speak."

"Okay, well I want to meet the boys individually, as Aria, and not as your wife. I've met Louis and Eleanor, we had lunch today. And I want to meet the boys without them knowing I'm your wife. Because, they probably hate me already. You get what I'm saying?"

"Okay. Yeah, I do. Nice idea really. I'll help?"

"I'd appreciate it. What's your plan for today?"

"Restaurant, and then a club"


"Tequila Party, on West street." Zayn informed.

"9? See you there? Tell the boys..that......erm.....that...."

"You're sick and you don't want to spread the germs?"

"Sure, whatever"

"Bye" he said.

"Bye, hate you"

"Hate you too" Zayn laughed. But I was dead serious.

I hung up and looked at the mess I had made on the bed with all the stuff inside the box.
I cleaned it all up and checked the time. 5:23. Okay, I had 2 hours to sleep. I flopped down on the bed and passed out. 

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