"What the fuck happened last night?" I asked myself, scared at the thought.

"Check your cellphone." He says, turning to look around to find my phone. "Taehyung was using your phone last night to take videos."

"What?" I asked, alarmed. My boyfriend's pictures and videos are all over my phone, what if he managed to figure out the code?! "Where is it?"

"Here," he says, closing the refrigerator. "Don't ask how it got there."

He handed me my cold-ice phone that has been sitting inside the fridge for possibly the whole night. It smelled disgusting, and felt sticky to the touch. I managed to open the camera to try if the lens still worked, but I have no more space for it.

Just how many videos did he take?!

"Go on." Yoongi says, yawning and walking past me to lay down at the couch in the messy living room.

I look at my gallery and see hundreds of pictures that I didn't take, with a total of 47 video clips.

And as I look through the pictures and watch all of the videos one by one, my memories soon came rushing in.


- 8 hours ago;

(3rd per. pov)


"He's from EXO?"

"Your boyfriend's from EXO?"

"EXO? Really?"

Questions started to overlap as soon as Taehyung blabbered about his well thought theory, while Eunji continuously drank the whole bottle of Soju for the first time ever in her life.

The members soon discussed and started to argue with each other about the idea, some of therm agreeing and some of them not thinking that it's possible. All of them, except Yoongi.

"Slow down." Yoongi, who was sitting across from her, leaned in and grabbed the bottle away from her. Her flushed face especially her cheeks and nose are what he saw first.

"Ah, what were you thinking?" Her muttered, setting the bottle next to him, far away from her reach.

"I want... more." Eunji says as her head started to spin, followed by an uncontrollable laugh that made everyone turn to look at her. "I want more more more more more mo-"

Her body soon collapsed, and if it wasn't from Hoseok who caught her by her shoulders, she would have hit the floor. The members all looked at each other, their eyes wide and round, not knowing what to do.

"Let me take ca-" Yoongi approached and held her, but she sat up instantly like a bread springing up from a toaster.

"I'm..." She starts, looking at everyone and giggling at the same time, "fine."

"Put her to the couch." Seokjin orders, and soon Yoongi was guiding her towards the couch, which is not that far from them.

Just One Day | Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now