Chapter 1

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Rich Homie Quan and August Alsina play in the background.

"Even though you're from the ghetto, love em' out the ghetto...."

"Stop it Mall!" I half screamed, half giggled as Jamal tickled my side,

"What if I want to get on your nerves, Lyric?" He said.

I didn't have time to respond because by then, he was tickling my toes. I rolled on the floor causing him to start cracking up. He was laughing and I was astonished. I could never get him to smile that way. He was always blunt. Jamal and I had been friends for 3 years now, an amazing 3 years.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked me.

"Nothing punkin, I just don't ever see you smile." I told him.

"Noooo! Not punkin!" He started laughing.

Was I the only one that was still astonished? He never smiled. You had to be close with him to smile. I would've thought after three years, he would've opened up.

I finally got up from the floor and turned on the Tv. Booty Call was on.

"Turn this off! Everyday this week, we've watched this Lyric." Jamal complained.

"You mad or nahh?" I joked around.

"I'm actually happy because I go to hang with-" His phone went off.

I got up, I didn't want to seem awkward so I walked to the kitchen and got the Chicken Koop wings that we'd ordered earlier.

"Hey, that was mom, she wants me home tonight. So are we still copping those Jordans in the morning?" Jamal asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Mhmm. I guess we could." I told him.

I walked Jamal to the door.

"Bye Punkin!" I called out to him.

I watched as he walked to his car. I watched his muscular back, and tall structure. I was focused on his body. I wanted him to be mine. I wouldn't trade him for anything. "You mess with the wrong niggas."  I thought back to what my girl Zee had told me. Was she right?

Feel Love❤️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang