Chapter 71: Eric Coulter the Love Councilor

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"Almost a year," I smile and Shauna smirks at me, "So that means you and Four have been together for almost a year?" All the girls gush and make kissing noises while my face turns beat red.
"I don't think it counts as you guys dating until we found out about it..." Lynn trails off giving me a sassy look.
"What? That cuts the time in half!" I screech and their faces go slack.

"Wait when's your anniversary?" Christina pipes in while viciously putting my mom's cream on her arms.
"December 19," I mumble with a smile growing on my face at the memory of it.
"You guys have been dating for 10 months!" Lynn screams throughout my house. The second I open my mouth a loud scream interrupts me, "HONEY I"M HOME!" Zeke sings filling my whole house with his voice.

"In here!" Shauna shouts back to her boyfriend and soon 5 boys are trampling into my house, Four and Zane going straight for the fluffy dog, while Will, Zeke, and Uriah book it towards the ice cream in our arms.
"Get your own!" Christina shouts up at Will who's trying to very carefully steal Christina's ice cream without hurting her burns.

"There's two more tubs in the fridge!" I shout and the girls give me a look of betrayal.
"How dare you tell them where our secret stash is!" Marlene exclaims and I cock an eyebrow upwards, "First off it's the fridge so it's not exactly secret, second off if we run out I'm making them go out and buy more so it's less work for me," I reason and a look of understanding crosses their faces.

The next thing I know a cool arm is placed around my shoulder, well at least to me it's cool cause literally everything feels cold to me.
"Our first child has grown up so nicely," Four grins at me and I raise an eyebrow, "Uriah?" I question and he smirks while shaking his head, "Kaya, I will never own up to being Uriah's father he's to much of a disappointment."
"I heard that!" Uriah's voice shouts from across the room as he comes in with a gallon of chocolate ice cream.

"I'm sorry son but it's true," Four says with a frown on his face which turns into a full blown grin as Uriah's face contorts in horror.
"You're a bully," he sneers and shoves chocolate ice cream in his face making it drip down his chin.
"And you're disgusting," Zeke remarks at his little brother with a look of disgust on his face.

"Anyway..." Zane trails off so all heads turn to him, "The real reason we came here was to ask if you guys wanted to go to Eric's Halloween Party," he grins down at his girlfriend as a smile spreads across her face in a twisted way.
"Oh my gosh is Halloween tomorrow?" Christina gasps.
"Yup!" Lynn chirps and I can't remember a time when Lynn actually smiled that brightly. Halloween is no doubt her favorite time of year, she gets to scare people and it's socially excepted.

Turning to Four I see he's already looking down at me with an award winning smile on his flawless face, "I thought you hosted the Halloween parties?" I ask staring at his lips for a second until making my way to his eyes.
"Yeah but my dad's gonna be in town this year so I asked him if he could host it," he smiles and I nip at my lip thinking for a moment before glancing at the very antsy group.

"I guess.." I trail off turning to Four and then feel his soft lips press to mine in a thank you.
"EW!" Uriah shrieks and we jolt away from each other to glare at the mortified looking Uriah.
"Put a sock in it would ya?" Four asks Uriah before turning back to me and pressing his lips harder to mine in front of everyone with no shame at all unlike me as my cheeks burn with humiliation.


Never have I seen such colorful liquids in my entire life. There's dark purple goo that's most likely liquor, black slime which is also most likely liquor, and then orange thin liquid which to my relief is just died water. I yank and pull at my shorts as I chose to in fact look like a slut this Halloween like every other girl here. Since it was Four and I's first Halloween as a couple we decided to match mostly because I constantly dreamed to match with Jesse all those years back cause I thought it was adorable but like the party pooper he was he would stay home and wouldn't let me go to any parties because of his undeniable cruel possessiveness.

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