The Future Surprise

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"In 20 years. When we have kids that we can show this to," Amara replied. "It will also be a good date to reflect on it and we can meet up after we go our ways." 

While Cameron and Amara were talking about the future, they didn't notice that Rock was starting to worry about the future. As he did during the war and he has something to do for the next 6 years, he was going to watch them grow up but he wasn't going to grow up with them. He looked like a teenager. Short, slim, and had the voice of a teenager. 

He started to get sad at this thought. How would the future turn out for him? What would happen when Amara has kids or even when Cameron has kids? Would he be the same? Or would he be an adult like Amara? It wasn't like he could age anytime soon and what if Amara died? 

He never had these thoughts before. So why now? Why did he think about this now? That was when Amara put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, what is bothering you?"

"Um, nothing Amara." 

"Don't lie to me, buddy. I know something is up. Now, please tell me." 

"Just thinking about how you can age and I can't." 

Amara was confused but didn't want to laugh at him. It must've been bad considering he hasn't been talking in a long while. 

"Oh, don't worry Rock. We can have someone age you up! It will be fine," Amara cheerfully told him, shrugging off the confusing thought. 

"Thanks, Amara," Rock thanked, believing what Amara said. Still, he had doubts that someone could be able to age him up. How in the world could they do that? 

"Come on guys," Cameron said after he stopped talking for 5 minutes. "Let's go inside and make dinner for dad when he comes home." 

"Sure," The two of them replied, forgetting the capsule. 

But what they wouldn't realize was that 20 years would come sooner than they will ever know.


June 15th, 2171

Time: 2:30

"Dear Diary,

Over the past 20 years, I have been getting my life back on track. I am currently having a good career as an author, writing an autobiography of my life in the war and am currently writing a fantasy book. 

My life has been about caring for 2 sisters that I adopted. One is named Erin who is currently 12 years old while her little sister Corra is 7 years old. When I learned about their past, I knew I had to adopt them. I take care of them with Rock, who I have known since I was 14 years old. He was originally going to be the General's assistant, but I told him that he needed to help take care of the kids with me. They are a handful. 

I am currently considering to adopt another child but honestly, I am not sure if I could. My two children are maturing fast and it seems like time has passed, as Rock and I have been taking care of them for 7 years. I took in the girls when they were very young and we have been a happy family ever since. 

Today, we are going to visit dad today. We are celebrating him retiring and giving the position to Cameron. Cameron has worked in the military before as a commander and is taking a better paying position. Honestly, I should congratulate him soon. I know he will be at the house today with his wife. And no it was Katelyn. They broke up after only a few months of dating. 

Today is the 20th Anniversary of the war. And in celebration of that, my kids are getting a nice surprise. I am so excited for that!


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