The Talk

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September 19th, 2150

It was the next day and Amara and Rock were currently at the desk. Wanting to solve the puzzle with what Rock has remembered. 

"Okay, what we have so far is you waking up for the first time. And waking up for the last time before being controlled right?" 

"Yeah. Everyone was acting human in my memory too."

"Why were you called that ridiculous name that you introduced me with?" Amara asked, remembering him telling her about Flora. 

"Probably because I was never named at all. I am trying to remember, but I just can't," Rock replied sadly, knowing this was going to be harder than both of them were thinking. Amara looked at her friend. Seeing his disappointment, she put a hand on his shoulder again. She was starting to get used to it by now. 

"Well, at least we have some information. They are currently analyzing the information we gave them. So, we might be here for a while okay?" Rock nodded. They both heard a knock, knowing it was Ella and she knew this. Who would be here at 6 in the morning? The door opened to reveal Nurse Ella. 

"Hey, here is the clothes you asked for." Yeah, that request. It was weird, but Amara had a plan for them. Changing Rock out of his bodysuit to look more human. So that the General wouldn't look at Rock as a robot and more as a helpful ally.  

"Why did you need the clothes? They are clearly not for you. You asked for guys clothes?" 

"Yeah. Well, I just wanted Rock to get out of this bodysuit and become more like a normal human," Amara replied with happiness. She quickly gave the clothes to the robot. 

"Now, put these on." Rock was confused, of course. Amara rolled her eyes as she told him how to take off the suit. Amara helped him change. She was happy that the process went by quick. Ella did turn around for this. 

"You look great Rock." He was wearing a white t-shirt with a black unzipped jacket and black jeans. 

"We should wash your body suit. Then you can wear it under the clothes. So you can easily take off the clothes when you are going out to battle," Ella suggested. "So that you don't look like a threat if you do need to go out in public. There is a big city close to the base." They both nodded in understanding at the new information. 

"That seems like a good idea. Is this room going to be my room?" 

"No actually. We are going to have you sleep in a room close to Cameron's. In the base, there is an area where some of the soldiers have to stay. There are a lot currently fighting robots in this country. These robots have probably been made in just a few years." 

"Yeah," Rock replied. "Should we go down to the cafeteria?" 

"Sure. It is 6:30 now. So we can go down there now." The three nodded then walked out of the room. 

As they were walking down the stairs to go to the third floor, Amara got worried about the General. 

"What if they see Rock without that collar?" 

"We'll have to talk to him about it maybe. Cameron told me that he would talk to his father about the tactic," Ella replied to the worrying Amara. Sighing, Amara nodded, starting to tear up. Ella noticed this quickly. She remembered the time when her grandpa died while he was in the army. She was Amara's age. She understood how Amara felt. 

"Amara. Don't worry. My grandpa died when he was in the army. I was your age and I was very close to him. I know how you feel. It takes a long time to get over it. Seeing someone being tortured and in so much pain is emotionally painful to you. You are going through a lot and I am proud of you for not killing yourself." 

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